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{Time skip to 8 o'clock}
(Italics means that it's a thought someone is having , kk enjoy :) )

3 words, what. The. Fuck. As I'm walking down the cold dreary hallway to Snape's class , the hallway seems shorter, way fucking shorter, it feels like my feet are being sucked in the floor with every step like quick sand, my stomach turns along with the cold knob of Professor Snape's door and all I could think was, bloody hell I hope I got here before Ron, but of course the universe was not on my side when I saw Ron standing in-front of one of the desks smiling from ear to ear.

I smiled back sharply to keep down all of the anxiety I was feeling, it got even worst like the universe shot me an uppercut when I seen Fred Weasley standing on the other side of him giving me the evilest smirk I've only seen from Malfoy, "oh bloody fucking hell what am I going to do, I have to tell Ron before Fred does or this isn't going to end very well" I thought, as I held my sweaty palms together I walked over to where Ron was standing when he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, I just stood there looking as Fred looked like he was about to say something, my eyes shot at him hoping he was just about to cough or something. I was wrong when the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Where the mingin is Snape? I'm a business man I have things to do , I can't be here all day." I let out the biggest sigh of relief and for once was so grateful Fred was just being Fred.

"What are you in for Fred?" Ron said curiously, "setting off fireworks in the classroom, what about you Ronnie boy?" This is the part where everything goes bad I thought, my relationship with Ron is just a skeleton now. "Well I stood up for y/n when Snape attempted to call her out, only because she was a second late, I'll always be there to fight for her, even if I get detention." Ron says smirking at me, his hands pressed on the firm table, godrick does he look hot right now, I wish he would just push me on top of this desk right here right now and tear me to shreds, no time for that though, if I can't save this relationship somehow, there will be no-more sex.

"Oh finally there's something you three can do right for once isn't there? I'm surprised you three could even tell time for what it was." A tall man with whisky black hair said slow but firmly, as Snape enters the classroom we all fell silent waiting for the punishment so this could all be over, I'm just glad he walked in before Fred could get anymore words out. "Now I want you Ms l/n to start cleaning the pots and spoons and I want you Mr Weasley to
Start organizing these text books, Fred you just clean the tables off, this should and will be done by the time I get back otherwise there will be consequences understood?." We all shook our heads in sync and started on our duties.

As the door slammed my heart jumped right along with it, I was hoping something bad would happen so I could push this away for alittle longer, but I wasn't going to let another misunderstanding come in between me and Ron, but I just don't want to loose him either. Ron and Fred started a heavy conversation while I was left alone with my thoughts, I was to in my head when Ron pulled me out, "y/n you seem a bit off, are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned, "No Ron I need to talk to you about something if you could come over here for a second." I said , I just blurted it out because I hate feeling like an overfilled water bottle about to bust, as Fred observed with that same stupid smirk on his face Ron came up to me and grabbed my hands making a distance between us and Fred so he couldn't be nosy, "what's up y/n is everything alright love?" I couldn't have felt worst, I feel like I cheated on Ron and Fred bloody kissed me first, but would he understand that?. "Ron there was a reason I was a second late to Snape's class." I said holding my breath after the sentence, "why was that? I thought you went to get your robes."

"I never came back with them Ron, I was going to go get them when Fred stopped me and said he had to show me something, I was confused when he-"

"He what y/n? What did he do?"

"Ron he kissed me."

Ron fell silent, he dropped my hands from his but his eyes never left mine, the curiosity left his face and pain replaced it, I was so scared on what was going to come out of his mouth next, "Ron say something please." I said tearing, he didn't say a word, he turned away from me and speeded over to where Fred was cleaning and all of a sudden Ron punched Fred clean in the jaw repeatedly, over and over, "YOU KISSED MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND YOU BLOODY CUNT,YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE MY BLOODY BROTHER." Ron said after every punch, Fred flipped Ron over onto the desk and returned the punches back to the face, "YEA WELL SHE'S BLOODY HOT WHAT DO YOU EXPECT." Fred says after every punch, I watched everything in horror as things got physical way to fast, I was Alittle relieved when Snape busts through the door.

"WHAT IS ALL OF THIS COMMOTION- WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR DOING." I could not believe what just happened, and it all escalated so fast, Snape grabbed both of them by the back of their shirts Ron with a black eye and Fred with a bloody nose and a bruised jaw, "YOU TWO ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO DUMBLEDORE, I HOPE YOU BOTH GET EXPELLED." Snape's says angrily "and y/n you head to your dorm , detention is over early tonight." Snape says as he shuffles the boys out of the classroom, I was so devastated and relieved until I realized that there's a possibility Ron could get expelled, meaning I would barely see him and our relationship would just fall apart anyway, seeing this in my mind brought me to tears and I cried the whole way back to the common room, there's no fixing this now.

Your a weirdo, Weasley.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora