Moonlight pt. 1

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Days..I stayed in my room for days, barely had any classes, and barely had any motivation to even stand, Fred and George checked in on me and I shooed them away because the look of Fred's face would make me want to rip it to bits, he's such a foul loathsome git and it pains me because we're supposed to be friends but I guess it's family before girls in this situation, Hermione came in and cuddled me and slept with me for a day, Harry came in and decided to distract me with quidditch magazines and compliments, and Luna came in with a fists full of crystals and exclaimed that it'd keep away the nargals, but nothing could make me feel anymore free.

Ron has sent me countless notes, he's talked to me through people , even sent Chocolate Frogs through owls because he knows that's my favorite, I haven't read any of the notes or ate the Chocolate, I don't know how to feel . How do I feel? How do I act? Eleven days and Ron will be gone for 2 months and how do I cope? Being that it's gotten all around the castle that me and Ron have relationship drama it gives me more of a reason to stay in my dorm, Harry tells me that Ron hasn't been out either and it hurts that we're apart like this but my ego is way to big to forgive him.

Morning turns to light and evening turns dark and I still have yet to leave my dorm, food was supplied by Harry for the past 3 days and I've just been here with a head full of continuous annoying thoughts, I prop myself up at around 1 am to catch a good glimpse of the moonlight shining about my window, but I still can't seem to see the moon from where my dorm is, though I thought it would be amazing to just watch the white bright rays beam from the moons core I  lifted my self up to put on my slippers and heading quietly up to the Astronomy Tower, making my way through the dark hallways and up to the Tower I see the beautiful Moon out, beaming as bright as ever infront of me putting on a pleasant show, i climbed the stairs up to the rail separating me from the bottom of the black lake to peer toward the moon, catching the stars and painted dark sky that comes with it, I couldn't help but fall inlove, "you wouldn't fail me would you." I said to the moon tracing its every mark with my eyes, "you follow me around and you always come to me when my thoughts drown me, you pull me out of the water." I said knowingly to the moon, maybe it's just me but the moon looked ever so pretty then before, maybe because I never took the time out to notice my surroundings, always being caught up in the things I can't control, I began to sing, singing to the moon with all my hearts desire, all the energy I put into those words right there soaring to the moons surface, it felt like the moon was listening, like my tunes made its rays shine brighter, "wise men say, only fools rush in," I continued on, my voice flourishing like ever before, "but I can't help, falling inlove with you," I continue, tears bubbly in my eyes, remembering the day that Ron layed me down on the base of his chest and sung to me for the first time, harmonies began to form with my voice and his voice streaming in my head remembering that day, "shall I stay? Would it be a sin, if I can't help falling inlove with you." I continued on and on feeling like I was singing with the moon, expressing all of the bottled up emotions I buried so deep inside me that I gave it a funeral. "Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be." Ron sang in my mind, his heartbeat like a drum getting along with the voice of his that belted from his diaphragm, remembering hearing him singing knowing it was all for me, remembering the magical moment that caused me to love him more then I ever could love a man, feeling his breath on my bones making them brittle, feeling his manhood inside me caving in my walls filling every inch of space with intimacy, his hands interlocking mine the first time we started dating, all memories clouding my mind at once like I'd just got my memory back, I wouldn't let it break me, not now, not ever, so I sang on.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling inlove with you." I finished with a breath, looking up at the sky and calling it my new home, because I knew it would never fail me , "times like this I wish my mother was with me, god I wish she didn't go in that forest." I exclaimed to the moon, "she was the bravest person I could've ever been around, no matter how big that dragon was , her bravery was so much bigger, and even though she knew she was going to die she had to save my father, even though I was 11 she knew I could handle myself." I told the moon, (this is a flash back to that night.) "your father and I were just here picking off some of the moss for experimenting and we didn't expect to see a 50 foot dragon lying in camouflage under them." She screamed as my dads wails were in the distance on top of the monstrous beasts roars and fire going from tree to tree just barely missing my father, "I have to go help him or he'll die , you get out of the forest now!" She said firmly grabbing my shoulders, "no! Mama! If you do then you'll die too! I'll loose both of you please don't." I said crying tears of fear, my mom was my everything, I couldn't loose her, "When I saw you for the first time I fell inlove with you so deeply, and you smiled because you knew, I'll always be with you darling." She said as she planted a kiss on my soot covered face and running off into the distance before I could say a word, all I could do was scream and cry and run out of the forest waiting for mom to come back.

Sitting at the table of my home that night anxiously I heard the door open, I stand up to catch a glimpse of what's behind the door and I discover my father covered in blood and soot, clothes ripped to bits, "DAD IM SO THANKFUL YOUR ALIVE." I screamed running up to him and him hugging him tightly earning a grunt to escape his mouth from the pain, "where's mama.." I asked him curiously and then it all clicked, "no. Please no.." I said crumbling , he nodded in confirmation grabbing me and crying equally as hard as I was. (End of flashback.) "I think that's why I'm so in-love with you." I told the moon, "because you remind me of my mother." I said ending my sentence, just then it seemed as though the moon got a lot brighter almost blinding, "you are my mother aren't you." I said teary-eyed, the moons rays dimmed as if to say yes, "you are made of magic mama." I said turning to leave as the moon returned back to its original state, I returned back to my dorm feeling as calm as ever surprisingly, figuring I should get to bed before the moon fades, at least I can sleep in my mama's arms tonight.

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