The end of the beginning..

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Weeks turned into days and soon enough it was almost time for Ron to leave , it pained me but I was ready, "hey love have you seen my shirt?" Ron said coming out of my dorm bathroom shirtless with a pair of kaki pants, I looked him up and then down admiring every muscle creating his abs, his broad shoulders, the moles on his neck and stomach, everything set in place perfectly, i'll miss it.

"I stole it, sorry , check my drawer." I said smiling innocently, "oh your a thief now aren't ya?" He said with a mischievous grin walking toward me with his hands bent like he was going to attack, suddenly he raced toward me pushing me back on the bed and tickling me aggressively, "RON STOP IT I'M GONNA PEE!" I said laughing so hard about to piss my pants, "Tell me you love me and I'll stop! Don't you kick me l/n." He said while laughing, still remaining on top of me squeezing into my sides making me squirm, I could barely speak, "I- OH MY GOD I'M INLOVE WITH YOU RONALD WEASLEY." I said laughing aggressively, he stopped suddenly hopping off of me and still remaining on the bed.

"What's wrong?" I said getting up fading a smile, "nothing it's just, you've never said that before."

"I always tell you I love you."

"I know babe but you've never said in love, do you mean it?"

"Of-course I mean it idiot, I'm in-love with you."

"And I'm in-love with you Ms. l/n" he said laughing and pulling me into a warm soothing hug that filled my hearts core so far up, I could've become a spaceman right then and there.

The next 3 days we had together were the most fun we've ever had, we slept together and went on dates, we danced and broke the rules, rode our brooms high in the sky and raced the clouds to the end, went on picnics and sung songs together, got drunk and hung out with friends, I realize he truly does love me, and I love him so much.

And so it came, the day of helping Ron pack and saying our goodbyes, I walked into his dorm to see all his clothes and knickknacks covering the ground, "Jesus where's the ground?" I said jokingly leaning against the door frame, "I can't find my bloody hairbrush." His voice distant coming from the closet, clothes being thrown out one by one, "here I'll help you pack." I said laughing, "here it is under your bed." I said grabbing it along with a strange small black box, "Ron what's this." I said standing up and opening it, it was revealed to be a diamond ring with the words "Always." Engraved on the round part of the ring, "I was supposed to give you that before I got on the train, you weren't supposed to see it yet."

"So you hide it under your bed?"

"Well I am packing, things got hectic, it's a promise ring."

"A promise of what?"

"No matter what I'm going to love you endlessly, I'm going to love you just like your mother said, I'm going to take care of you until we become the moon, I'm going to need you and want you all the same just like in the beginning, it'll always be me and you no-matter where we go, just you and I." Ron said staring directly into my teary eyes and holding my hands, I knew he was serious, "so since you've already seen it.." he said grabbing the ring and putting it on my ring finger, "how much was it Ronald." I said in a cry like voice, "more then my shirt I'll tell ya that, so this better be worth it." He said jokingly, I began to laugh through the tears and hug him tightly in the middle of the messy Room that held so many memories.

"2 months." He said shakily.

"2 months." I answered back crying.

After packing we made our way to the Hogwarts Express while they were boarding, a few minutes before the train would leave, Everyone came to support him and the twins leaving, seeing them off , they stood in front of us, bags in hand and teary eyes, "it's just 2 months, why are we being such gits." Fred said jokingly making us all laugh in unison, "the trains about to take off love birds." George said staring back at our moment we were having, Ron stepped up to me and put his hands on my cheek, I grabbed them and nudged into him just getting a good feel one more time.

"I'll miss you babe." He said putting his head on mine, "And I'll miss you Weasley." I said looking up at him as a tear ran down his cheek, "Hey no crying, you'll be back in no time."

"Come with me."

"You know I can't, I have classes."

"I know, I just hoped it'd magically changed to be different."

"Your a weirdo, Weasley."

"Would you come on you finagling fang." George said rushingly, "Alright Alright." Ron said wiping his eyes.


"It's not a goodbye, it's see you soon."

"I love you l/n."

"And I love you Weasley."

I then watched him walk off to step onto the train after Fred and George, sending me one last blowed kiss before disappearing onto the train.

"I'll see you soon lover." I thought.

Your a weirdo, Weasley.Where stories live. Discover now