Not so perfect are we?

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Tuesday. Of course it's a Tuesday, after wrapping it up with Ron during the picnic I went back to my dorm feeling like a princess, we talked for what felt like 2 seconds but was hours, we play fought and danced around, admired the mossy fallen trees and beautiful bushes, he gave me a rose he'd found just above our heads, the night was magical.

I woke up the next morning ready to see my friends , walking down the stairs in my pajamas because I woke up a bit to early for classes, as soon as I get to the bottom of the staircase I'm lifted off my feet far from the ground and I let out a pitiful scream, "OH MY GOD RONALD WEASLEY" I screeched, he had picked me up and spun me around in a floral planting kisses all over my face as he set me back on the ground, "hello my beautiful lovely, how'd you sleep." He said smiling so much harder then usual, "fine, what are you so giggly about?" I said nudging him playfully , "oh nothing just happy to see you." He said smiling and then looking away, it seemed like he'd been a-little off but I brushed it away, "shall we sit by the fire Until the others get up?" He said grabbing my waist a gesturing me toward the velvety couch just in-front of the fireplace, "okay?" I said squishing my nose and raising an eyebrow.

Why was he being so odd? I thought?
Eventually everyone woke up and I went back to change my clothes , before in the Common Room Ron had been acting weird the whole time, sitting awfully close to me and showering me constantly in kisses, complimenting me in between sentences and holding me tightly like it was the last time, don't get me wrong it was flattering but he'd never been like this before.

As the day goes on we were on to our last class Herbology and that was one of my favorite subjects, "Okay class, take your seats as today we are studying the Mandrake, before you touch anything I want you to put on these muffs, and does anyone know why?" Said Mrs Sprout, and Hermione did not hesitate, "OH yes ma'am it is because it is fatal to anyone that hears it but being that we are young it would only cause us to pass out." Hermione says looking quite accomplished, "Correct Ms Granger!" Says mrs sprout grinning and giving Mione a thumbs up, meanwhile while I was putting the fully stiff muffs on my ears I turn to see Ron standing beside me staring at me the entire time. "What? Is there something on my face?" I said jokingly, " oh no sorry your just amazingly stunning." He says smiling, "Thank you Ronnie, is everything alright?" I begin to ask, "yea everything's um..fine." He says fading his smile and looking away . "Alright everyone now I want you to put your hands on the base of the Mandrake and pull as hard as you can." Says Mrs sprout demonstrating, as I begin to pull my Mandrake I hear a loud thud coming from beside me, it was Ron, he had fainted because he was so worried about me and didn't bother to put on his muffs, I offered to take him back to his dorm for extra credit, but I took him back to mine instead, with a-little help from magic I carried him up to my dorm and laid him across my bed, i pulled up a chair and sat next too him waiting for him to regain consciousness, it only took him 5 minutes to awaken, "what the bloody hell happened." He said lifting his upper body up with his elbows, "you bloody collapsed, you were to focused on me to even put the damn muffs on." I said jokingly, "well it's not my fault your beautiful." He said smiling and grabbing my hand.

"Ron why have you been acting so weird?"

"What do you mean? I can't be affectionate to my girlfriend?"

"It's not that , it's just that your never this affectionate, all day you've been acting like the whole world revolves completely around me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing y/n."

"But Ron I just wa-"


And in that moment everything fell silent, I pulled my hands away from him and began to question.

"Leave? What the hell do you mean leave?"

"Mum sent a letter, she offered for me to go back and work at the shop with Fred and George for 2 months, Dumbledore already knows and I can make everything up when I come back, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you."

"How long ago did she send the letter."

"A couple days ago."

"A-couple days ago? Why would you wait so long to tell me Ron , and why didn't you talk to me about it?"

"Well I was going to tell you at the picnic last night, because that's why me and Fred set it up , but I couldn't bring myself, you looked so happy."

Tears began to stream down my face and a lump formed in my throat, the whole picnic wasn't to apologize, it was just something to make him feel better about having to tell me.

"I'm so sorry y/n." Ron said getting ready to hug me, "get out." I said shakily, "what? No y/n let's talk about this." He said getting up following me to the middle of the room, "No Ron you had time to talk to me about this, what were you gonna do just leave without notice, you didn't care about how I felt, I cannot believe you get out." I said crying, "No I wasn't babe, I was going to tell you , you have to understand." He said, his voice beginning to shake, "GET THE FUCK OUT RONALD WEASLEY." He pauses and stares with blood shot eyes and tears streaming down his cheek, turning red and rushing out the door leaving me behind, I tremble and fall to the floor letting out the loudest scream not caring who could hear me , suddenly the door barges open again.
"Y/N ARE YOU ALRIGHT." a manly voice screams, in comes Harry leaping to the floor and holding me tightly, I begin to cry in his arms, painful screaming cries escape my mouth, even if he was leaving for 2 months it would feel like an eternity and I wasn't ready to miss him so much.

Your a weirdo, Weasley.Where stories live. Discover now