Love, Lust, And Food

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As we're riding The Hogwarts Express Ron's sitting across from me and everything is silent. I wondered where in the Merlin's beard was Hermione and Harry but then i remembered their crazy asses love using Floo powder and Broomsticks, As i'm looking out the window i feel Ron staring at me but i'm not bothered we were interrupted by the trolley lady. "ANYTHING OFF THE TROLLEY DEARS!" she says struggling to push the trolley, "uh i'll just take some Fizzing Whizbees and a Chocolate Frog please." Ron says handing the trolley lady 3 Galleons, "y/n is there anything you want?" Ron says in a soft tone . Practically drooling over his voice i stumble over my words but finally push out "j-just an Exploda Soda please" i say beginning to hand over 2 galleons when Ron pushes my hand down and says "On me."

In my head i am screaming but i keep my composure , smile, and say  " you didn't have too" Ron looks at me like i spoke in terms and conditions and says "but i did, i was a mingling mutt for just not sending notes during the summer, you didn't deserve it ." he says. "It's my fault too, i mean i could've sent a note Ron. It's not all your fault." i say putting my head down, i didn't want to look him in his blueish grey eyes.

I can feel him looking at me as he moves from sitting across from me to sitting close next to me, as our legs touch he invites me to lay my head in his lap and says "it was both our doings, but its over now. I've got you now, and you've got me" he whispers while playing with the hair behind my ear, I close my eyes and smile and in my head all i could think was "I love you, weasley."  As the train comes to a stop I feel Ron shake me gently and whisper "y/n its time to wake up love, we're here."  sometimes  i think he knows what he's doing to me, I continue to keep calm and think that he just cares a lot and we're just close friends.

As we make our way off the train and into the great hall i see a dirty blonde haired girl and a shaggy brown haired boy with round glasses and i smile running up to them and giving both of them a big hug. "HERMIONE, HARRY I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS!" i screamed excitedly, "Y/N WE'VE MISSED YOU TOO!" Hermione and Harry say together, as Ron and Harry catch up Hermione looks at me with this suspicious look on her face, "what?" i say curiously, "You and Ron are okay now?" Hermione says with a smirk I roll my eyes and say, "yes but ONLY as friends" she rolls her eyes back and says, "mhm" while tying her arm around mine and walking me to our dorm , i turn my head to Ron and Harry and say "catch you guys later!" as Hermione's still dragging me to the dorm "catch you later y/n!" Ron and Harry say together and Ron smiles at me, I smile back and continue on with hermione,  I'm glad to be back .

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