bonus chapter? pt. 4

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"Keiji???" Bokuto's worried voice rang through Akaashi's cell phone and blasted into his ear. Believe it or not, he actually managed to pronounce it right.

"Kotaro? I'm at work, what's happening?" the black-haired pet store worker squeezed his phone between his shoulder and his ear. "Is there a problem?"

"I can't find Kuroo," the owl-like male whimpered. "KEIJI HE'S GONE."

Akaashi blinked once, then twice. This wasn't going to happen again, right..? "Are you serious?" he hissed, old memories beginning to flood his thoughts. "Wasn't he there this morning??"

"uH, he hasn't been here since I woke up."

Keiji frantically began to pack his bags in the staff room of the pet store, shoving all of his items inside the sack. "When did you wake up??"

"Like... a few minutes ago? 15 maybe?"


"I F U C K I N G K N O W"

Akaashi gave a frantic sigh, flinging his bag over his shoulder. "Bye Iwaizumi," he gave a rushed wave to the spiky-haired employee who was furrowing his eyebrows in concern at his phone. "Ko, I'm done with my shift; I'm coming home right away."



The name rang in Akaashi's head. It had been nearly 5 years since he and Bokuto had gotten married. The two had continued living in Bokuto's apartment, and Akaashi was living happily with his husband and Kuroo. Like leaves in the wind, life had been passing by with no issues.

It hurt Akaashi to think about his old cat, and with that, his old friend. It pained him to realize that if he was just a little more responsible, not washed up with his and Bokuto's relationship, Kenma might have still been here, happy as can be with all his needs fulfilled. Every day, his eyes were wide open, hoping to catch sight of the calico cat he once took care of.

He knew it was hopeless, though. Kenma was probably living a better life in the wilderness. Or he could be already dead but we're not going to think about that-

Akaashi jumped into the seat of his car, sweaty hands on the wheel. "I'll be home soon, Kotaro. I love you," the curly-haired male kissed goodbye on the phone, throwing the small device into his bag shortly after ending the call.


The most important thing to him was not letting Kuroo have the same fate. He refused to let the inky-furred cat slip through his fingers and leave, having him be helpless once again. It wasn't an option anymore.

And Akaashi knew that Kuroo meant so much to Bokuto, too. For so long, the two had been together. Even though the duo-haired male was extremely aggressive towards the smug-looking feline, Keiji could see the care that Kotaro put in making sure Kuroo was living the best he could.

He fed him daily portions, measuring out the exact amount of kibble he would give to him so the cat would maintain a steady diet. Every year, Bokuto would buy the most prestigious canned food he could, fish-flavored, and gave it to Kuroo on his birthday. Some nights, Kuroo would rest in the same bed that Bokuto and Akaashi shared, his head squished between the two pillows on the mattress. Keiji noticed that his husband would sleep slightly more to the side on these evenings, farther away from him, in order to avoid crushing Kuroo's resting body.

And although Bokuto seemed carefree in the call just earlier, Akaashi could pick up the anxiety in his voice, like a murky gray undertone behind his words.

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