What did i expect.

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Sal's POV

We arrived at a nice restaurant and we were there for about a hour and then after we ate they drove me home.

"Thank you so much mrs.Phelps I really appreciate it."

"I'm glad dear I hope you clear up things with your friends."

"Hey mom can I talk to sal alone real quick?"

"Yeah I'll be in the car goodnight sal!"

I waved goodbye and smiled.

"I want you to know this doesn't change anything at school. I still have to be cautious because of my father."

"I can live with that, But atleast try and not to be rude every time you see me."

"We'll see blueberry head."

"Ok mr.Lemon boy goodnight."

I saw a faint smile on his face and he walked back to his car. They drove off as soon as I was in my building safely.

I looked at my phone and saw the picture of me and Travis on the Ferris wheel. I smiled to myself and decided to make that my background on my phone.

I got out my keycard and headed down to Larry's apartment to get my car keys back from ash.

-At Larry's apartment-


The Door opened.

"Hey Sal! Larry said you would be over, come in."

I walked in and headed to Larry's room.

I knocked.

"Come in!"

I walked in and saw ash passed out in Larry's bed and Larry on his beanbag chair playing video games. When he saw me he paused the game.

"Hey I just came to get my keys."

"Yeah I know, but um I wanted to apologize your right we keep ditching you and that's not cool. Your our friend and we should be treating you like it. I'm sorry sal."

"It's okay Larry I get it you guys all have a special someone and wanna spend time with them and I'm cool with that but, just please stop making me third wheel."

"I'll try anyways here's your keys goodnight sal."

"Night Larry face."

He tossed me my keys and I silently shut his door. I'm glad we talked it out. Larry's my best friend and I wouldn't want our friendship to be over because of something stupid.

I headed upstairs to my own home and opened the door to see my dad passed out on the couch drunk.

"What else did I expect?"

I walked over and put a blanket over him and saw a note on the coffee table. I picked it up and read it.

"Dear sal,
I'm sorry I haven't been the best father and I know I can do better. That's why I decided tomorrow we should go out together it will just be the two of us. I'm sorry I had to write this down but I knew I would be asleep by the time you got home.

Love dad."

I put the letter in my pocket and walked to my bedroom. When I got in my room and closed the door I immediately plopped into bed and fell asleep.

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