Please stay

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We waited for another 30 minutes when a doctor finally let us go see him. I let his parents go first and they came out 10 minutes later.

Me and Todd walked in and I immediately almost dropped to my knee's. There were Needles,A breathing tube,And machines plugged into him. Todd had sorrow in his eye's. We sat down in two chairs that were next to him.

I grabbed his hand and started tearing up.

"I'm so sorry"

I let my head rest on the support bars on the side of the bed and kept crying. Todd came over to me and put a comforting hand on my back.

I wish it was me in the hospital right now and not Travis. I mean usually in these situations it would be me. I have horrible PTSD from hospital's.

A doctor came in. He had short brunette hair and some square glasses on his face. He looked serious but his face calmed when he saw me and Todd.

"Ah, You must be friends of his."

"Yes sir we are. How is he doing?"

"it's not looking the best right now but we're doing everything we can to save him."

"How long do you think he'll be in the hospital?"

"Atleast a month or so that is if he wakes up this week."

He flipped through his charts and I threw a soft sad look towards Todd who just gave me another pained look.

"I say it's best if you go home for the night we have to run some more test on him but you can come back tomorrow."

"Thank you doctor."

Me and Todd walked out and told Travis's parents what the doctor told us. Travis's mom gave me a hug and walked off with her husband to their car.

Me and Todd got into my car and that's when he started talking.

"I'm so sorry you had to see him like that sal."

I stayed silent wanting to cry again but I was the one who had to drive so I couldn't blur my vision.

"Do you want me to stay home from school tomorrow? I'll be happy to stay with you and make sure your gonna be okay."

"I would appreciate that Todd. Thank you so much."


We drove back in a comfortable silence and when we got home Todd packed some clothes and came back to my apartment. He fell asleep on the couch and that night I couldn't get much rest.

I stayed up worried about Travis. I missed him so much already and seeing him in that condition scarred me. I can't even think about him without the image of him laying there peacefully, Almost dead.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and chattering.

I stayed in my white T-shirt and sweatpants and walked out to the living room to see my dad cooking breakfast and Todd at the dining room table making conversation. I sat next to Todd and joined the conversation.

They were talking about science stuff so I decided to drop the conversation and scroll through my phone that's when I got a call from ash.

"Hold on Todd be right back"

He nodded at me and continued his conversation.

I walked into my room and answered the call.

"Hey ash what's up?"

"Hey Sal, I heard you and Travis got a fling going on. Anyway's Larry explained travis couldn't be with you or something so I was making sure your ok."

"Yeah I'm fine...why'd Larry tell you?"

"he was pretty worried about you."

"Oh I see, well about a hour after the situation with his dad he came back to the apartments and explained everything, but...when he was driving back home. He got in a car accident."

"Oh my god Sal I'm so sorry is he ok?!"

"He's in a rough condition..."

My voice started cracking and my eyes started tearing up again.

"Sal? Where are you?"

"I-I'm at home. Todd's s-staying with me today."

"Ok I'll let Larry and the others know. Please rest today. I'll come over later."

"bye ash..."

"Bye Sal."

I dropped my phone and slid against my door and silently cried. About 5 minutes later my dad called me to breakfast.

I tried covering up the fact that I was crying but my dad noticed.

"Sal? Are you okay?"

He came over to me and kneeled to my level. I hugged him tight.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I nodded and released from the hug.

"Hey Todd can you prepare our plates while we go talk in his room?"

"Of course sir."

Me and my dad walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed. I lifted my legs on the bed and hugged my knees.

"What happened?"

"Travis the preacher's son confessed his feeling's for me and we started dating recently but his father found out and didn't like it and threatened he would hurt travis if we continued this "sick love" and last night when he came over to talk to me he got into a car accident and he's in a bad condition."

I looked down at my knees and cried. My dad gave me another hug.

"So you fell in love with the Christian boy."

I laughed and punched him lightly in his arm.

"Anyways I'm so sorry that's happening right now but I'm sure he'll be okay. I mean you remember that accident that happened when you were little?"

He pointed at my prosthetic.

I nodded.

"You survived that and I'm sure he'll survive this, but him and his family are gonna need some support so, how about later today we bring them some of Lisa's famous lasagna or something."

"Sounds like a good plan."

I gave him a smile and we hugged one last time. We headed into the dining room and I think Todd could tell I was feeling better.

We ate in comfortable silence.

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