Entitled boy

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I walk back into class.

"Ah, mr fisher did you happen to find Travis?"

"sorry ma'am I couldn't find him."

"that damn boy. It's fine. By the way while you were gone we switched seats, because you and Travis were both gone I put you two next to each other in the back."

"oh great."

I sit down and wait until class is over. 30 minutes left.

-30 minutes later-


Finally I'm out of this hell hold of a class.

"Make sure to do your homework! We have a test on it Monday."

Ugh I hate that about mrs.packerson she's always giving out test.

I grab my backpack and head to the court yard, I sit down on a bench and draw, I'm not the best at it but ash and Larry are giving me lessons.

I have 10 minutes until next class begin's. I wonder where Travis is right now. I hope he's okay.

Travis POV
I think I'll go to my next class I honestly have no where else to go so why not.

I head out of the bathroom and to the court yard I see sal on a bench and it looks like he's drawing. God damn it how do I always find a way to run into him.

I walked over to him

"Hey Idiot you didn't snitch right?"

"Nah if I did I wouldn't have blackmail would I?"

"Huh I never thought about it that way."

"Probably because you have a small stupid brain."

"Ugh whatever, do you ever shut up?"

"Nope also Im going to annoy you until you leave."

"Well then I'm just going to leave now."

"Bye trav"

"Bye dumbass."

Damn I hate him and love him at the same time.

Wait what am I saying he's suppose to be my target. shut up Travis your acting like a fag.

Sal's POV


"Hey Sal."

"Hey guys!"

"So can I ask why Travis was over here talking to you? Did he do anything to you?"

"besides from being annoying he didn't beat me up or anything so that's good."

"That's weird usally he's a dickhead towards you. What happened?"

"I don't know...Anyways you guys excited for the fair this weekend?"

"Hell yeah! I heard this year their going to have a dunk tank."

"Sounds awesome."

"Yeah can't wait to ride the roller coaster."


"Welp see you guys after class!"

"Bye sally face!"

"Bye little dude"

I head towards my class.

-2:30 school ends-

Finally this school day is over and it's time to get ready for the hangout at Larry's house.

We planned it so tonight we sleep at Larry's house and tomorrow we go to the fair.

"Hey Sal I'm gonna catch a ride home from ash ok?"

"Ok is Todd going to?"

"He's gonna go with Neil."

"Oh ok see ya later then."

"Bye sal dude."

He ran off to ash's car.

I sighed and unlocked my car and got inside. That's when I notice Travis waiting at the curb looking at his phone sadly. I decided to drive up next to him and see if he was ok.

"Hey you ok?"

"Huh oh yeah I guess but unfortunately now I have to walk home."

"I could give you a ride."


"Yeah why not."

"Oh um thx."

He got in my car and put his backpack in the backseat.

Travis was the one to break the silence.

"So why isn't Larry here usually I see him and you going home together."

"Ditched me for his girlfriend, but hey it's whatever I get it."

"Wait Larry has a girlfriend?"

"Yup Ashley."

"The lesbian?!"

"Well technically she's bisexual but yeah."

"Oh I always just called you guys the gay squad."

"Trust me I know, it's engraved in my head."

I start mimicking Travis

"Oh hey ikr TRAVIS and I call people GAY as a insult because I'm so COOL"

"Oh come on I don't sound like that."

"are you sure?"

"Sorta...Hey wait you have no right to mock me."

"Then you have no right to call me and my friends awful names."

"Good point...Look sal I'm really sorry It's just I don't know how to be nicer trust me I don't like being this way."

"I understand but we should change that. You can't bully people for your whole life Travis. It's not healthy."

"I know."

-5 minutes later-

"Ok were here I'll talk to you later Travis."

"Bye sal thanks for giving me a ride."

"No problem night!"


I wait until Travis safely enters his house and then I leave to go back to the apartment's.

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