Ch- 12: Thirst

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'How can she keep up with me? She is a human, how is it possible?' ran through my head the whole way till I returned home.

After I parked my car, I felt really thirsty. I drank a glass full of water but it didn't quench my thirst. So I took a second glass of water and drink it. It didn't quench my thirst at all, moreover it seemed to increase.

'Weird. What is going on?' I thought to myself.

I drank a third glass of water and my thirst quenched a little bit. So, I went up to my room to find Emilia. But she was nowhere to be seen.

I called out to her and she answered from the bathroom. I asked her where the rest of them were and to come downstairs to talk. I wanted to tell her what happened to Agnes.

When she came down, she went straight for the water filter and took a full glass of water to drink. She guzzled down the whole and a second glass of water also went down. Finally she came to sit with me and without letting me talk, began talking, "El, do you feel really thirsty? Like you can drink an entire ocean?"

"Yeah, I feel the same. I drank 3 glasses of water already but I am still feeling thirsty.... What is happening to your eyes?" I asked her.

"What's happening to my eyes? Look at your own! They're turning red!" Emilia exclaimed.

"What? My eyes are red too? I feel like something inside me is trying to come out! I can see everything more clearly as if the resolution of my eyes increased five-fold. I can hear every sound and smell a lot of scents I have never smelled. You smell like oceans. But it is as if my body is searching for something else!"

"I know, I feel that too. I...." Emilia stopped and sniffed the air. Really sniffed the air, like a cat or dog does. And before I could ask what she was sniffing, a delicious smell drifted towards me.

It was a kind of metallic smell but my mouth started watering. 'What is going on?' I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I felt myself get up and walk towards the smell. It was as if I was watching from behind as someone or something else was controlling my body. Slowly, I felt whatever it was pushing me behind and locking me in a cage, where I could see and hear everything but couldn't do anything about it.

I saw Emilia started getting up and stalking towards the door like a predator. Both of us got out of the door. Nate was returning from the park with my Mom. Mom was slightly behind him, telling him to slow down. He was running straight towards the door. In front of which, both of us were standing were standing, as if seeing the most delicious and most awaited dish being served.

Nate took one look at us and stopped. He stared at us with a confusing look on his face. I knew he could see our glowing red eyes. I felt myself smiling an eerie smile, a smile a predator would smile when it cornered an easy prey. Even though Nate wasn't cornered, he couldn't possibly outrun us. He started stepping back slowly seeing both of us. We started stalking towards him like a predator.

I started screaming inside for my body to stop. He was my little brother. But neither I nor Emilia was stopping. The moment Nate started running, we ran super fast and caught him. I could feel his fear and hear his little heart beating fast. My body and whatever was controlling me seemed to enjoy it. I felt my top canines extend to fangs. Both of us lowered ourselves and sank our fangs in the jugular of his throat. My fangs went in and my mouth filled with hot rushing blood.

I felt my thirst finally quenching. Somewhere in the distance, I could here my Mom screaming for us to stop and not just her baby boy and saw someone arriving. They were talking and my Mom was crying and screaming. I willed myself to stop, but my body wouldn't listen to me.

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