Ch-3: Let's Plan

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It's 5:00 AM now. Maybe I too can get some sleep in my closet in case my mother comes to check. I wake up at 6, get ready in a red spaghetti top and a blue jeans, with red and white sneakers. I always keep a rope in my closet. I had a few incidents where I had to help my friends inside. I quietly slipped the rope outside carefully, so no one sees it. Then, with my excellent rock climbing skills, I climbed down my backyard, threw the rope inside, went over the back wall, round my house and on the street. I went a good distance away from my home, before calling Agnes and asking her to come pick me up from the next block. After 15 minutes, she still hadn't come. "Come on, where are you? We will be going to school the next year at the pace you are going." I told her on the phone.

"I'm on my way. Agnes with her mustang is incoming- There you are, I can see you now." Agnes said in her phone and waved her hand from the red mustang. "Thanks for coming so quickly" I said to her with a frown, ending the call. "Hey, who got up on the wrong side of the bed?" Agnes said to me amusingly, as I got in. "Ha, I didn't even wake up on my bed. And if the things that happened to me happened to you, you won't be talking like that now." "Okay, okay, cool down, Miss Things-always-happens-to-me Johnson." "Hey, if you wake up at 3:43 AM to see a girl who looks just like you coming out of the mirror with a chunk of her leg missing and telling you that she is your twin sister, you would be like this too." "You sure, you didn't dream it? Or did you hit your head somewhere?" Agnes asked with a skeptical voice. "No." I replied, huffing angrily.

We both believed in paranormal and supernatural, which is what's happening, I think. "Hey, I thought you believed that anything can happen?" I said, surprised that she didn't believe me. "Yeah, but nothing of this level, like someone showing up and saying that she is your twin sister, I don't know it doesn't sound believable. Do your parents know?" Agnes said. "No, I haven't told them yet. I want to verify it a little more before dragging them in." I told her. "But Laurel, if she really is your twin sister, doesn't that mean she is your parent's daughter too! You hiding her from them will hurt them, she is their missing daughter too, that is believing what she said about being your sister is true. They will want their chance to reunite with her too." Agnes said, thoughtfully. "Yeah it had occurred to me too but if she is not their daughter, then they will get even more hurt. As of now, what they don't know, won't hurt them." I told her. I know that this will hurt my parents' feelings but if she really didn't turn out to be their daughter, they will get more hurt. "Anyway, if you don't believe me, come with me to my house after school, I'll show you." I told her seeing her skeptical expression. "Alright" Agnes said. The rest of the drive was silent.

We arrived at school and after dropping our things in our lockers, went to our first class together, English. We have lucked out this year, having almost all the classes together this year. Last year, we had only one class together and luckily had the same lunch. Our English teacher is Mrs. Jones. She is also the head of our Drama Club. Both Agnes and I can write really good stories and poems and we give them to her as extra credits, making us her favourite students. Agnes and I are also good at Chemistry. Yeah, we are weird. Agnes has dyed bright red streaks in her natural black hair, which makes her hair look like her hair is on fire. Anyway, I whisper everything that happened in details to her in English class.

She looked at me as if she was dumbstruck. Well, anyone would be. "Hey, I have a plan for us to go back to my house after school. You wanna hear?" "Yess! I suck at making plans anyway." She said a little louder, earning us a glare from Mrs. Jones. "Lower your voice a little Agnes, and I will tell you at lunch." The class ended and I said to Agnes, "Bye, let's meet at the cafeteria and I will tell you the plan there." After 2 of my classes, History and French (I take French and Agnes takes Spanish), I headed to the Cafeteria. "I will take the steak burrito." I heard Agnes say. "Me too" I said to the lady, standing beside Agnes. She smiled at me and said, "Let's plan" "Yeah" I replied.



Hello everyone,

I know, I know, This update is super late. Please forgive me. I had some technical difficulties, so this update was so late. Anyway, Chapter 3 is here and I will update Chapter 4 today or tomorrow as a compensation for updating so late. The picture is of Agnes. I changed the picture from Chapter 2 to 3 because Agnes makes an appearance here not in chapter 2. Please Vote and Comment to support my story. you can ask any question about my characters in the comments, I will answer them in the next update. Also you all can suggest songs(English only) for the playlist of this story, I will select from them.

Also shout out to my latest followers - Elizabeth Joy Ryder and Surjya Sarathi Nag. Thank you guys for following me and voting my story.

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