Ch-13: Relations

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It was 7 AM, when we woke up. After freshening up, we went downstairs for a cup of coffee. We heard voices coming from the kitchen. It was Mom and Clara talking.

"What are you guys talking about?" Emilia asked.

"Well, we were just talking about the happenings in the Vampire World after Hayden and I came to the Human world with Elia. The Blackridges are really something. To ban Vampires from having relationships with humans? Anyone who interferes between two lovers are inhumane!" Mom replied.

As Mom was talking to us about it, I noticed Clara's eyes were shining. 'What happened to her? Did she lose someone too? But Em never told me about anything like that!'

Clara turned around and quietly went to the sink. She washed her cup and put it in the cupboard. She sniffed the whole time and ran out. 'What is wrong with her?' I thought to Emilia. 'I don't know, maybe she had a lover too.' She answered back. 'Let's go and check if she's okay.'

We both go to her room and see her crying, holding a photo frame.
"You won't believe, Al. She has grown up so much. I couldn't control myself in front of her. Her eyes, it's so much like you. I don't know if I should tell her or not...."
"Tell her what?" I asked. "And tell who?" Emilia asked.

Clara gasped and turned towards us. Her eyes were big, shocked to see us and tears were running down. "Tell her what, Clara? Please, tell us tell her what?" I continue probing.
"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't have heard that." Clara said, looking down and shaking her head. We both left the threshold and sat on her bed, each on one side of her.

"Please tell us. We promise we won't tell. But I can't see you crying, Clara you know that." Emilia said.

"Well, since you have heard this, it is not possible to hide this from you two anymore. But you have to promise not to tell this to anyone." Clara said, signing.

"Yes, we promise we won't." Both of us say it at the same time.

"Okay, so you probably don't know but I'm actually your father's second cousin. Yes, I know I should have told you earlier, but I couldn't. Don't look so shocked. I also have a brother, Alderidge Hawthorne. Al is two years older than me. 20 years ago, he was out tracking a newly Transformed vampire who had gone mad from Bloodthirst and was killing humans uncontrollably. He found this vampire's tracks in a city. It was night time and he saw the vampire backing his prey into a wall, in an alley. So, he quickly rushed over and broke his neck."

We both may have looked scared, like killing someone was not a good thing. Clara saw us and said, "Relax, the vampire didn't die. No vampire can die unless their head/ heart is ripped off or are staked in the heart. He was just momentarily knocked out. His body would have healed in an hour.
Anyway, it was Al's job to capture him and bring him back. He was going to take the vampire away, but was stopped. The human whom the vampire almost preyed on was leaning on the wall, breathing erratically. Al went to touch her, but she fainted. He caught her and just couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was beautiful.
She had long raven black hair, a pretty heart shaped face, sand skin and was around 5'7" tall and lean. Al couldn't leave her alone in an alley, unconscious. So he picked her up, hailed down a taxi and gave the driver the address of his home in the human city.
He then delivered the vampire to the respective authorities and rushed back to his home. When he arrived he saw that the taxi had just arrived. He paid the driver and took her inside.
When she finally woke up, she was frantic. She was screaming about the monster, that she was going to die, until she laid her eyes on Al. He calmed her down and said there was no monster, that he had taken care of him.
This human girl's name was Shelly Taylor. They fell in love and she accepted him even after he told her what he was. They got married and had a baby girl three years later."

"Wait, Shelly Taylor? Like Agnes's mom Shelly Taylor?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. But a year later, the Blackridges rebelled and Lucius and Cassie were killed. Al wanted to go to his brother but the Blackridges declared themselves as rulers and was wiping out the Hawthorne family. So, I convinced Al to run with his new family.
As I was going towards the palace, I found little Emilia in the forest, wandering around. I took her and hid her in my forest cabin.
A few months after the Blackridges declared themselves rulers, they started hunting down inter-species relationship, like Vampire-Human or Vampire-Witches.
I secretly tracked them, and one day I received news that they had found out about Al and Shelly. I went to him and told him to hide his family and run. They could track Al because he was a powerful Vampire but couldn't track Shelly.
Al masked their scents with spells and we both ran. After escaping he became depressed and drowned his sorrows in oceans of alcohol.
After two years of this, I couldn't take it anymore. I asked him if Shelly and his daughter would really like him to be like this. If the King and Queen would be happy seeing him,the one they placed their hopes of helping their daughter, drink to oblivion. So, he finally realised that this wasn't the way he wanted his life to go.
He got clean and started training the young vampires to handle weapons in a nearby Vampire School. But he is still depressed and missing them."

"What? Then Agnes is..." I trailed off.

"Yes Agnes is my niece and your cousin. And her father is alive." Clara said, wiping her tears.

"What?" Came a breathy whisper from the door.


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Hello dear Subjects,

It really has been a long time. I have realised that it is hard for a student in Class 12/ 12th Grade to write a book wholeheartedly. I know many people are doing it and I am trying too. But this book is my baby and I don't want to rush everything. I want it to be as close to perfect as I can. So please bear with me. Also, please knock me if you see any plothole, however small. This is my first draft of this story and I am writing this out as I want it to go. So if any timeline doesn't make sense or doesn't match, please tell me, I will edit it.

The image is our Dear Agnes's Aesthetic. It is made by SinaMW1209 . Thank you for such an amazing aesthetic, it really describes Agnes.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share this story. Please do, the lack of feedback is discouraging. I know it can't get many but anyone reading this honestly comment.

See you later.

Your Queen,

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