Ch-5: What on earth just happened?

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This time I noticed that I was running at a really speed but everyone seemed to have slowed down. Seeing this, I stopped so suddenly that I almost collided with a boy. I skidded just passed past him and slammed into the wall. I saw stars for a moment before I felt hands trying pull me up. I opened my eyes and saw Agnes. I took her hand and pulled myself up, which resulted in the spinning of my surroundings. She asked, "What did just happen? One minute you are sprinting in super speed and the next, you slam into the wall!"

I said groggily, "Well, I was thinking about what you said earlier and noticed my surroundings. I saw that I was running and everyone seemed to have slowed down. I panicked and almost ploughed into a freshman. I dodged him and slammed into the wall." Agnes thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we shouldn't race. For now, let's just walk to the car." "Yeah, thought so too. But I am feeling like I have pent up energy and it is building up. Like I have to do something or I will burst." I really feel restless, like after being cooped up for too long. But I walked as slowly as I could to the car. Left feet, then right feet. Slowly. Repeat.

We reached the car and I sat on the shotgun. I still felt restless like I had 10 cups of coffee. I kept tapping my feet. Agnes, after sometime, said,
"Will you please stop that? It's driving me nuts." I replied, "I can't stop myself. It feels like...." Suddenly a lavender light surrounded me. I felt like light and heat were coming out from every pore on my skin. My mouth opened and I saw the same light shooting out from my mouth. I screamed but no sound came out.

Then, I felt myself floating. And as suddenly it had started, it ended. I felt myself being lowered back onto the seat, Agnes staring at me. ".... I am going to burst!" I finished. Agnes shrieked, "What on earth did just happen right now?" I just sat as if spellbound and screaming in my head, 'What the hell happened?' repeatedly. "I...I don't know what happened but I feel really calm. Let's hurry home and ask Emilia if she has any answers." I said.

We reached home and I said to her, "Go play role. Let's see what you have got Silver Lady." "Yes, Hollywood Actress Mode is on." Agnes said and got out of the car. She went to the door and rang the doorbell. I quickly got out of the car and ran to the backyard before Mom came to open the door. I crouched low when I passed Nate's window and reached below my window, but didn't see anyone or any rope. I waited but no one came. Did she forget about me or what? I picked up a stone and felt the burst of energy in me like the time I wanted to run. I had a déjà vu feeling and thought about it. Maybe I should throw the stone really light. I threw it, holding back 80% of the energy and it hit the target. It made a slight tap sound on the window and fell. But still no response.

Can I jump? If I can run that fast, then maybe I can jump that high too. No harm in trying, right. So, I jumped releasing that energy. I reached the window in one jump and caught the sill. Wow, that was one high jump. I bet that will earn me points in my cheer leading. I rose my head only up to my eyes and saw Emilia sitting in the bed alone. Agnes was nowhere to be seen. So, I quickly climbed through the window. Just as I was about to jump in the room I heard the door open.



Hello dear readers, Chapter 5 is here !! The picture is of Natalie Evans.

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