Ch-7: Stealing Agnes's PJs

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I jumped from my bean bag (I had slid away from the door in my excitement to know more, so I hadn't felt the door move.) and ran into the closet. I heard Agnes open the door. Mom entered and said, "I have brought snacks for my daughter and her best friend." Emilia then said, "Thanks Mom." And the door closed. Just as I was going to come out the closet, the door opened again. I quickly shut the closet door. Mom entered and said, "Oh! I forgot to say. Agnes your Mom called and told you to stay here. She would be out late tonight. Elia, will you give her your extra PJs to sleep in?" "Okay Mom." Emilia replied.

Mom left and Agnes started singing, "It's a sleepover so Emilia will have to continue with her story time. Yay!!" I, then said, "Well that's good and bad." "Why?" Agnes asked. Emilia suddenly said, "Because El has only one spare and I am wearing that, right El?" I was shocked. How did she know that? I was just thinking about it. I sputtered, "I...You... How... How did you know that?" "You were just thinking about it, weren't you? You were also thinking of you and me going to steal Agnes's own PJ's from her house. Right?" Emilia said taking the words from me. "This is some serious mind-reading going on." I said. "Maybe it's because you both are twins." Agnes said. "Well then let's go to steal Agnes PJs after dinner." Emilia said. "But why are we calling this stealing? You are just going to my house to take my PJs. Let's not call it stealing. It's giving seriously bad vibes." Agnes said.

"Okay! So let's plan." I said and began, "After dinner..." when Emilia interrupted "You and I are going to escape through the window." "Hey don't do that. It's freaky enough with you reading my mind, no need to do that out loud." I said frowning. "Okay but I can't help it. This is new for me too." "Okay well let's get back to the plan. We are going to escape through the window, run to Agnes's house, jump to her window and get in through it. It will be easy because Agnes always leaves her windows open. You did leave it open, didn't you?" I said looking at Agnes.

"Umm.... Yeah about that, maybe my window won't be open tonight because my Mom always closes it, when she will be out late and I am not at home." Agnes replied sheepishly. "That won't be a problem, I can pick it easily. I have learnt it from Clara." Emilia said. "Oh good - we can enter, take her PJs and come back in 20 minutes." I said. "But what if Mrs Johnson came here?" Agnes asked. "Tell her that El is in the bathroom." Emilia said. "Okay good luck with your little adventure." Agnes gave both of us a thumbs up. We changed our dresses to all black, hoodies and jeans and left.

I was right, Emilia's hoodie was a navy blue shade but her jeans were black. She told me that she had a black hoodie, which she was actually was wearing when she was coming here, but it was torn when she was attacked. She saw this one hanging on the lines to dry in a house. She took it from there a left a pearl from her necklace. "A pearl!! You left a pearl for taking a hoodie!" I stopped running. "Really! An actual pearl." Emilia stopped too. "Yeah I gave a pearl. What? Did I need to give more? Oh no! I should have given more right!" Emilia looked positively panicked. I laughed and said, "No. I said that because a pearl here is worth, I don't know like a hundred hoodies, maybe." "What's given away is given away, El, no point in regretting it now." Emilia said and started running.

It was night time and not many people were out. Anyway, it's not like anybody can see us. We were running really fast.I was right. We can finish it and go back in 20 minutes. This was a new experience and it felt freeing. Like I'm using my actual strength. It always felt like I was holding back my strength. We were so fast that everything around us was a blur.

We reached Agnes's house in 5 minutes flat. That was a record. Emilia didn't know which window was Agnes's so I jumped to the window. Then, Emilia followed me. She said, starting to pick the lock, "You know, we can also use magic to open a lock. But our magic hasn't progressed that far yet, so we have to make do with the manual methods. When Clara comes, she will teach us to use our powers. And it is done." Emilia opened the window. We jumped in the room. "You sit on the bed, I will get the PJs." I said and opened the closet. I grabbed the PJ and stuffed it in the backpack I had brought with me. I turned and - "Shh, I think someone is home." Emilia said pointing at the light below the door with her back to me. Then, I saw the rippling mirror, the same when Emilia came into my room. With a gasp, I jumped on the bed. "What? Keep quiet El!" Emilia said hissing. I turned her towards the mirror and pointed. "What... why is that happening to the mirror?" Emilia said shocked.



Hello dear readers,

The seventh part is here. The picture is of Queen Cassandra a.k.a Laurel's mother. A special anouncement. Today is one of my dear friend and follower's birthday, so this chapter is dedicated to him, @SurjyaSarathiNag. A very happy birthday to you and many many happy returns of the day.

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