Ch-16: The Ending of the Old

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A month passed after our finals. It was two months after Emilia first arrived in my life and changed it. Emilia's powers awakened as well as mine. Now, we have the four Dynameis, namely Finding People and Things, which is apparently called Psychometry, Empathic abilities including Telepathy, Telekinesis and Seeing Past and Futures. We have mastered armed and unarmed combats, our elemental magic and have almost mastered our Dynameis.

It was Graduation tomorrow. Agnes and I had bought dresses a week ago and received our Graduation gowns yesterday. We are going to have a party tomorrow night and then start our journey to the Vampire Capital of Ellenoria after a week or two.

My graduation dress was a Lavender coloured A-line dress with off-shouldered puffed net sleeves and also had a split up to my thighs. It had pearls around the neckline. It made me feel really good. Lately, I had been drawn to Lavender colours. I don't know why but whenever I have to choose something, I am always drawn to Lavender coloured things.

Agnes had also bought hers with me. Hers was a straight black and red ombre with the neckline to one side and straps in the back. I had asked her but she said she hadn't felt drawn to any colours and chose that dress due to her hair.

I had asked Emilia about it too and she said she was in fact drawn to ocean blue colour. We hadn't asked Clara, not wanting disturb her about these small things.

Last night, my head itched like crazy. It was is insects were crawling on my scalp. I didn't understand why though and after asking Emilia, knew that she felt the same. We couldn't sleep but somehow managed to fall asleep.

When I got up today, I didn't know how my life was going to change. The first surprise I got today was when I went to the washroom to freshen up. Emilia and I shared our room now and she was still asleep. My family had taken Emilia in like her another daughter, a sister. Emilia told Nate about the magical creatures she had seen in the forests of Vampire Realm, who was excited and awed to hear the tales.

I started to brush my teeth and looked at the mirror for the first time today and let out a shriek. Emilia came running and when she looked at me she screamed too but I screamed when I looked at her. And when she looked at the mirror, she realised why. We both looked at our mirror selves and each other, eyes wide.

My hair had Turned LAVENDER.

I freaked out. Who dyed my hair? When? How? All of the questions circled in my head.

I looked at Emilia and she was in the same predicament, the same question in her eyes. Her hair had turned OCEAN BLUE.

Mom burst into our room with Dad and Nate in tow. They looked at us with wide eyes. Then, it was as if Emilia realised something and smiled with excitement in her eyes.

"Oh, I know what happened. No need to panic, El. It is our True Forms. El, we got our True Forms. Now, I know why I felt something changing in me." Emilia said.

"Huh, What? What do you mean true forms? I thought we weren't supposed to get that till the end of our Awakening, on our Birthday. It is still months away!" I said, exasperated.

"I don't know about that. Maybe because we trained so much in the last two months that it sped up the process." She said. Mom came forward hugged both of us. "Oh my babies, you've both grown up so much. You've even got your true forms. I am so proud of you, Elia. And Em too, even though I have not known you for a long time." She said. "Yeah, Elia and Em we are both proud of you. I am sure you will go on to achieve great things." Dad said, hugging us.

Suddenly, my eyes burned and I quickly closed them. I separated from them and ran to the sink. I watered them, but couldn't get them to open. It burned so much. It felt like my eyes were melting away. I could feel Emilia was in the same predicament and was trying to water her eyes too. Mom asked what happened, sounding panicked. Dad ran down to call Clara and tell her what was happening. Try as I might, I just couldn't get my eyes to open. Dad called Clara and told her what happened. She said that she was coming over and that she knew what was happening. She told him to move us to the bed and cover our eyes with wet cloths. Mom did that and we laid down on the bed.

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