Something Stupid

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'What if I am the one, Ms. Kim?'

My eyes met the eyes of the man who has actually occupied my mind for a week now. I never knew I would meet him here, as this was one place I never thought he would come to.

'Ms. Kim?' he said, waving his hands from side to side to probably get my attention.

'I'm sorry, you are?' I asked, and even if I knew who he was, I never showed it to him.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Gu Seo Jin,' he said as he extended his hand. I was reluctant to accept it, knowing that he will find it sweating. Because it has been this way the moment we met. I never knew why, but there was something in him that made me think.

Our first meeting was one I didn't see coming. It was a rainy day, and I always loved the sound of it. It brings me comfort and takes me back to my childhood, where things were not as complicated as adult life could be. He came in suddenly, and even if I knew he only wanted to seek shelter, I asked him what his order was. He looked at me and stood frozen, and even if he wore a mask, I could say that his mouth was opened at the sight of me. Yes, I know I am pretty, but there is more to what meets the eye.

It's something that I want him to discover if he really is interested in me.

I took his hand that he offered and gave out my name. 'Kim Yeon Hong.'

He smiled and it was the first time I saw it up close. No wonder Hyo Jin was teasing me the moment she handed out that napkin which this man gave her as he went out on that fateful afternoon. Remembering that note, I can't help but smile that I had to bite my inner cheek.

'You look wonderful. Can we be friends?'

His dimples clearly showed up and I wondered if I would be able to hold them. Wait, where did that come from?

'Do you have plans after here?' he asked.

'No, I'm actually heading home,' I replied casually.

'Great! Uhm, can I ask you out for dinner? Just nothing,' he said, smiling. Those dimples came up once more, and I can't help but smile at him. He looked like a schoolboy in his black shirt and trousers, trapped in a grown man's body.

'I assume that's a yes?' he said, and that made me smile even more.

'Okay, Mr. Gu. I accept that,' I said, and we both walked out of the church and into our cars. We agreed to meet at a ramyun place, since I was really craving for hot soup.

'Are you sure? Ramyun?' he asked.

I laughed. 'Mr. Gu, I want to have ramyun, literally. Not otherwise. I have to make that clear at least,' I said, as I got into my car and led the way to where we will have our dinner.

While driving, I can't help but think how effortless it was for him to make me smile. I didn't quite understand what it was that he possesses but it was just so easy for him to do so. Was it his natural charm? Or was it his looks and comebacks? He sure looked like an actor, or a better one at that. He stood very tall, he had to tilt his head to see me clearly, even if I was already in my 3-inch heels which I would be ditching in a few minutes. I opt to wear my slippers to match my jeans and white button down and see how he reacts to it.

I parked at a paid spot and got out of the car. He likewise went beside my car and parked it too. He only smiled when he saw me, and it was one of those that a man gives out when he sees someone that interests him. We took a walk to Myeongdong Kyoja and we got in right away, since I had a reservation made prior to going to church. Yes, I made a white lie, but it was only because it was the first time I really had an up close contact with him.

Clear and Present DangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora