At the NIS

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The travel from Incheon Airport to the NIS head office was quite scary, but I had to pretend that it was not. Sure enough, Yeonssi and I know what they were already having in their minds, and I am actually just thankful that they came when my mother-in-law went to board the plane. Nevertheless, it scared me to death about what will eventually happen.

I just hoped against hope that it's otherwise.

'Yeobo, I'm scared,' Yeonssi quipped as we were travelling. If I was scared, why wouldn't she? But I had to be strong for us, and so I assured her.

'I know, yeobo. Don't worry, we will get out of this mess,' I replied as I held her hand in mine. I said those words to comfort her, but I know that I said it half heartedly. I needed to believe that everything will be fine, and trust whatever the plan is.

It was a fine afternoon and if this was something else, I would have felt romantic and made my wife feel about it too. But to ease up the tense lady beside me, and myself likewise, I decided to do something that will make this long trip worthwhile. For the time being.

'Yeobo, do you remember the first time we met?' I asked her as I squeezed her hand, while my eyes were trained on the vehicle in front of us.

She gave a thought as I looked at her in the side mirror. My dearest Yeon Hong, a beautiful woman who had the features of an innocent girl, before you get to know the real her. But before anyone could judge her for who she is, justifying as it may seem, she had a reason for doing those things.

She let out a soft chuckle. 'Why wouldn't I remember?' she replied. 'When you were subtly looking at me and the menu. I think you were just bluffing then,' she continued and gave out her smile as she turned to look at me. By peripheral vision, I will never get tired of admiring her, beyond the physical attributes God has given her.

'You really wanna know a secret?' I replied, as I glanced at her.

'What is it?' she asked.

'I was really looking at you,' I replied. It was true. I was looking at her from afar, and the rain was just the most valid reason why I needed to get inside.

'Then why did you say it was because of the rain?' she exclaimed. I laughed before I replied.

'Because I didn't want to flatter you that much. I am not a smooth talker,' I replied.

She scoffed. 'Says the one who said he likes me on the first night we went out.' We both laughed at it. We felt happy looking back at that fateful day.

'Yeobo,' she said after a few minutes. 'If we ever get out of this, where do we go?'

I must admit I never had any answer to that question. 'Honestly, I don't know. Let's see what they want from us,' I replied as I took a left turn, following the car where Director Choi was. We were then led to park at a designated parking spot, so I had a hunch that we may be allowed to go back home after this. I was hoping against hope once more.

I opened Yeonssi's side of the door and when she came out, she gave me a hug. I felt she really was scared so I had to hug her back.

'Everything's going to be fine, okay?' I whispered. 'No matter what happens, I am here for you, alright?' I said. She nodded and then we proceeded to where Director Choi was. After checking, he then led us to an open room, laden with clear, glass windows. I was already thinking ten steps forward to what could possibly happen.

Would we get detained after today? What would become of us? Would we be separated after today? Thinking about all those things, I felt her grab my hand. I guess she must have felt all the thoughts I was having in my head at that moment.

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