As If It's The First

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'Eomma, how do I look?' I asked my mother. She was smiling at me before she responded.

'I can't actually believe that you are getting married,' she replied. 'Wait, you technically are married now, but then.'

'He really wanted us to have a proper wedding. I mean, not that we didn't have one but today is the one he had been thinking all along to give me,' I replied. SJ, or Tae Pyung as I call him now, truly wanted to give me the wedding I wanted. The one we had in Daegu was something that we decided hastily, since he wanted to keep me with him and live with him in one roof.

'I can see how your husband is devoted to you,' she said. I couldn't help but recall everything that happened and a lone tear escaped my eye. Eomma noticed it and gave me a hug, but she didn't say anything.

'Let's go, Eomma,' I said. 'Hyo Jin is waiting.' Then together we went out of the hotel room of Four Seasons Hotel where we stayed the night before. I saw Hyo Jin outside and she looked really great in her one-shoulder mini dress gown, as she was my maid of honor.

'Yeonssi, you really look beautiful. I can really understand now why that man was head over heels in love with you,' she said. We both laughed as we went down, recalling the first time he went over to the cafe and me annoyed by him.

'I'll save that for later, you know,' she said. 'Wait, let me call my date,' she continued as she fished out her phone from her purse.

'Oh, Hyo Jin has found her true love I hope?' I teased. She laughed and talked to a man named Jae Yeol.

'Jagi, are you here already?' she asked. 'Oh, okay. See you,' and ended the call, smiling. She looked at me and laughed. 'Wae? Do you think you're the only one who would be happy? Of course I deserve it too.'

She really did, after everything that happened.

The bridal car was waiting and the three of us went inside. On the way to Myeongdong Cathedral, I said a prayer as an unknown feeling of anxiousness suddenly crept up in my heart. I didn't know what it was but then I hoped and prayed that everything would be fine. On the last stop before the cathedral, I took a deep breath and heaved out a big smile. Eomma must have noticed it and she squeezed my hand, telling me that everything is alright.

I smiled at her, hiding the feeling that I had since we went out of the hotel.

We got to the cathedral, and Hyo Jin went out to tell everyone that I had arrived. I could see a glimpse of my husband, although I did not really see his face. He was in front, and I saw his parents with him. I met them already and I could say that Tae Pyung got his looks from his Eomma. They were very kind, and I am just lucky that they were my in-laws, for they understood every little thing that happened in our lives. I don't know how my husband explained it to them, but as I understood, they accepted that fact and were very warm with me.

'Are you ready?' Eomma asked as we were about to go out of the car. I smiled and nodded at her.

The aisle leading to the altar was surrounded with a mixture of subtle and soft colors. Pink, white and lilac hues adorned the wonderfully decorated aisle and I can't help but smile. It was a contrast to what I had during the past few years of my life, and I likened it to spring. A beginning of a new life ahead. In front of the altar, I could see my groom smiling and for a moment I saw him wipe his eyes. I smiled underneath the veil, as I still wore it even though this was a renewal of our previous marriage vows. I arrived in the middle of the aisle and as he went his way to me, I was smiling. He also was, and his deep dimples showed. He then came in front of me and took me by the hand as he led me to the altar, which was wonderfully lit by stained glass depicting some scenes from the Bible.

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