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All I could remember before I regained consciousness was the face of the Judas Iscariot that I had once thought was my friend. He delivered a blow to my head which made me lose myself and all the remnants of what I had seen became a blur. 

'Don't worry, SJ. I'm sure your wife will come and get you.' I remembered hearing him faintly, or was it just my hallucination that caused me to think about Yeonssi now. My arms were once more tied to either side, and I could feel that my body was sore. But I don't have any right to feel them, as what I had in mind was how would I be able to escape this dark room. There were male voices, and as I closed my eyes once more to listen where they were coming from, I heard one of the men say.

 There were male voices, and as I closed my eyes once more to listen where they were coming from, I heard one of the men say

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'We will have to kill him sooner or later.'

I knew then that it was the plan. General Kwak will never allow me to live, lest he wants a suicide. Now that he thought he had gained something over me, it was pretty obvious that he would do such a thing. The question now, is that this man is good at mind games so I prepared myself not to fall to his trick.

He wants to play, I will give it to him. 

Looking at the shackles that bound me to these posts, I asked myself if I would be able to really escape from here. He was someone I know who never takes chances, so the only thing that could save me from this moment is a miracle. It was out of my league as a soldier, but then it was the only thing I held onto. Ironically, it was the only thing that could ever help me.

Then I heard the steel gate open, as a faint light illuminated the whole place where I was. How could someone build a dungeon inside a home in this city? Only the general is able to do that. As I looked at the figure who came in, a thousand thoughts crossed my mind. How could I gain the momentum over this person, how could I defeat him when he comes to uncuff me. But as the person drew near me, the silhouette exuded that of a woman. A small figured woman, and it was then that I realized it was Yeonssi's eomma. My eyes widened at the sight.

A miracle indeed came by.

'We don't have much time,' she said, as she hurriedly untied me. Careful not to make any sound from the shackle that bound me, I shook my wrists somehow rigorously to let the blood flow normally. It felt liberating, literally and figuratively. 

'Eommoni,' I said. She looked at me, and her eyes somehow begged me something that I was not able to understand right away. In a few moments, I realized that I was staring into the eyes of the woman who gave birth to my wife, and she is as important to her as she is to me.

'My daughter is upstairs at the lion's lair,' she whispered. I nodded and felt my blood boil at that exact moment. She held me by my arm and calmed me down. This is one of the general's weakness, but I don't want Yeonssi to be a bait.

'We need to be able to save her so she can come to you,' she said. I nodded and we then talked about our little plan. She then went out in a hurry, with me in the shadows, and as the guards closed the gate, I placed a bullet casing she gave me to block off the gate. 

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