Neglecting? (Shoyo Hinata)

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So here's my first chapter starting w/ our sweet sunshine tangerine: Shoyo😍...
N e w a y s, don't worry this ain't angst and just pure fluff😊. I'm still waiting request tho 👉👈...
F/N - First Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nickname
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
*Third Person's POV:*
The bell ringing cued all the students that it was finally time for lunch break. Knowing that Hinata's practice will come soon, you took this opportunity to spend time w/ him even it was just for a short while.
And that is the cliche eating at the rooftop scene...

You started texting him since both of you weren't in the same class. Being the cutie he is, Hinata immediately accepts your offer.
"F/N-CHANNNNN!!!!!!" The said boy quickly rushed to you. You couldn't help but giggle at him.
"Hey, Sho-kun." You giggled making Hinata's heart skipped a beat. "So.... Let's go get lunch?" You winked and Hinata nodded happily.
You just finished lunched while Hinata ate like a kid. You couldn't help at staring and smiling weirdly but who can resist? He's just too cute for your own good.
"Um... f/n-chan? Is there something on my face???" He tilted his head at you and you blushed at your actions.
"AH GOMEN! It's just that you're way too... cute." You blushed and mumbled the last part though Hinata obviously heard it. He nearly choked and started to blush like crazy.

You two just started dating a month ago w/ Hinata finally having the courage to ask you out which you happily said yes. But still you two just can't help being a blushing mess. How cute and silly isn't it?

Go on... Just say it!, you thought to yourself. You've been planning to go on another date w/ him since the both of you having experienced only two. But who could blame you two? He was busy w/ volleyball and you were busy w/ your own things. Both of you respected that. And now that the both of you don't have schedules for the weekend you thought, why not?

"So-um..." You cleared your throat, finally breaking the awkward silence. "If y-you don't mind... maybe a da-"

Alas you were cut off by a text that came from Hinata's phone.
"Oh shoot! Practice is coming up!!" He exclaimed, suddenly standing up. "Sorry f/n-chan... maybe we could do this some other time?" He nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
You sighed. But who could help it? You wanted to support Karasuno but somehow it keeps getting in the way of your relationship. It barely has been a month too!
But then again, wouldn't that be too selfish of you? So you stood up next to him and gave your sweet smile. "Of course Sho-kun. Good luck." You said, giving him a fist bump.
"Sure!" Hinata smiled, giving a fist bump back.

When he was out of the picture, you sighed and you were surprised at how disappointed you sound. Were you really this upset? You know Hinata's passion for volleyball and you saw this coming when you became his first girlfriend but you never really became this upset. Stop it, you sighed. You're becoming too selfish.

*timeskip after practice*
You were sitting beside Kiyoko and Yachi while watching the boys. You decided to walk home w/ Hinata and decided to watch their match when you have the time.

You were amazed at always at Hinata's spikes. He and Kageyama sure are a good duo, you thought to yourself. But the way Hinata's eyes shine while spiking made you pout a bit. He never looked at you that way before. But you just shook away that feeling.
It was getting dark and practice seems to be more longer than usual. You were getting sleepy and decided to finally go home without him.
"Ne, Yachi-chan... If Sho-kun ever asks were I've been, tell him that I already went home okay?" You said, picking up your bag.
Yachi nodded, "But are you sure you want to walk home alone? And are you and Hinata are fighting?" That question surprised you. Do you really looked that disappointed?
"N-no, it's not like that!" You whisper-yelled (what is that called xD), making Kiyoko take a glance and you were glad that the boys were too busy to notice. But you atleast wished that Hinata spared a glance at you.
"I see." Yachi replied, but her face was still worried.
"Geez, don't worry about us. I'm just sleepy that's all." You gave Yachi a reassuring smile, hoping she won't get too suspicious about it. "Well, I'm off." You said waving goodbye.
You took a last glance at the gym in case you saw Hinata looking at you. But not much to your surprise, he didn't. You sigh in defeat and started to walk home.
Finally practice was over and the boys just got changed. Yachi still have some concern w/ your relationship w/ Hinata though.
"Hmm? Where's L/n-san?" Sugawara asked. Picking up his bag.
"Huh? F/n-chan was here?!" Hinata exclaimed, earning glances from everyone.
"Uh yes, haven't you noticed?" Yachi said. "But she got home already though." She added, remembering your request. "Ha? Why didn't she wait for me??" Hinata whined, now picking up a water bottle.

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu X Reader Oneshots/Scenarios ;)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang