His Baby Owl Part 1 (Bokuto Koutarou)

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A/N: So this oneshot will be about Bokuto x Pregnant Reader. Yes, I live for these.

Bokuto would be such a great father, dontcha think?
You were honestly trying to get pregnant the past few months so when you started getting morning sickness quite often, you decided to take the pregnancy test.

And you can't help but feel happy when you saw those two pink lines on your pregnancy test (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Once you finally told Bokuto about this, he's jittering w/ excitement!
"Y-you're what?" He asked, checking if his ears are decieving him or not.
"I'm pregnant Bo, it's positive." You happily said, touching your belly.

And at that moment, Bokuto immediately drop whatever he was holding and started to hug you tightly.
"A b-baby?? A small human? A small human that I can teach volleyball to? A brother or sister for Hinata?"
And you sighed. Like Bokuto's eyes are now twinkling in delight.
"Bo, Hinata is definitely NOT our child, he's not even related to us..."
"But he's my protégé." He protested. "Don't tell Sugawara-san that I adopted him by the way..."
Once Bokuto knew learned you're pregnant, almost everyone you both know knew about the news.
And of course he was babbling about it to his team or Akaashi non-stop.

"Akaashi!! Y/n's pregnant!!!" You overheard him say from the phone a few minutes after he learned about it.
"Oh no."
"What do you mean oh no?!!"

When he first told the Black Jackals about it, he was very smug about it.
"Hinata, guess what? You're gonna have a younger sibling now!!"
"Wait really?!!"
And Atsumu and Sakusa were just standing there and they're like: 👀
It's been 7 months ever since and your used to be small baby bump had sure grown by now.

Although Bokuto's a mumbling dork, he's very attentive and keeps his eye on you whenever you step out of the house. And the moment he losts track of you, he's calling your phone and he sounds like a lost kid wwww.

"Bo, seriously, I can handle myself." You said.
"But you should rest!" He blurted. "What do you want me to do? A massage, want me to make you some juice, have unfinish chores?"

And when he tries cooking for you one day, poor boy messes it up and you're now the one finishing it.
"But y/n!! It's suppose to be for you~"
"Yes and I appreciate that you worked hard, so will you please let me finish this." You humbly smiled.
And there's now pouty Bokuto about to reach his emo mode...
When it comes to Bokuto talking to your belly, he'll most definitely do it non-stop. So when going back to the team, his goodbyes to his unborn child ends up being a graduation speech.

And when he gets home, his hands are all over your belly.

"For the last time Bo, take a shower!"
"Hmph, baby, your mommy doesn't want us to talk." Bokuto pouted.
"You can talk w/ them later, after you take a shower."
To this, Bokuto let out a little huff before he got up and turned his heel, running up stairs to quickly take a shower so he can finally talk to his baby owl.
Bokuto just got home from training and cant wait to see his now 9 months pregnant wife.
"Y/n, I'm home!!!!" He exclaimed.
"Welcome home Kouta-AHHH!!!!!"
"Oi, y/n... You alright?!" Bokuto asked, already panicking.
"Bo, my water broke." You groaned, holding your belly in pain.
"Oh, want me to fix it?"
".... Seriously?"
"Oh... wait, WHAT!?!"
And there was Bokuto in a panic state.

He picked you up bridal style and immediately brought you to the closest hospital you could find.

Once you're in the emergency room, he immediately called Akaashi while being at your side.

"I'm here, how's y/n?" Akaashi asked.
"She's about to give birth." Bokuto blurted.
Everything hurts, and you were completely exhausted but you did your best and pushed. Pushed like there was no tomorrow.

Bokuto's mind was filled w/ a hundred of thoughts. How will baby be? Will he be a good father? What should he do once the baby was there?

You gripped Bokuto's hand tightly out of concern and wanting something to hold onto.
"Don't worry about it Bo. Just breathe in and out. You'll be fine." You panted, pushing in between. "Just follow how I breathe- wait... I'm the one who's giving birth here."
You were holding for Bokuto for dear life and w/ one final push, a baby's cry was heard.
She was beautiful. Healthy and chubby. And looks like her father of course...

Bokuto couldn't help but feel his tears roll down his cheek and immediately hugged you.
"You did so well y/n." He whispered, kissing your forehead gently.
"Do you want to hold her?" You asked, finally catching your breath.

You gently handed him his baby girl and Bokuto hold her like she was the most fragile thing in the planet.
"Y/n, I'm so happy." He smiled. "Thanks for everything."
"Me too, Bo." You whispered. "I feel the same."

Once both of you got out of the hospital (sorry guys, I really dont know how that works), Bokuto immediately showed off his newborn daughter to Akaashi in which he responds w/ a nod but deep down he feels happy for both of you.
Ever since Sora was born, your time was mostly focused on her.

Sora Bokuto looked completely like her father: the shape and color of her eyes, her hair color, heck even she acts like Bokuto.
The only genes she got from you was the shape of your eye and cute little nose.

"Y/n~" Bokuto called for what looks like the hundredth time by now.
"Sorry Bo, I have to watch Sora." You sighed, turning back to your daughter who's obviously having fun w/ you.
"Can't I atleast hold her?" Bokuto pouted and you just giggled at him.
"Just a sec."

Bokuto glared at his child and Sora just giggled at him.
"No fair Sora~. You had y/n all day, she was mine first." He huffed as if he was arguing w/ a real person.
And he tightly hugged you from behind, refusing to let you go.

"Bo, you're both mine." You turned, giving a quick peck on Bokuto's cheek. "Because you two are my loving family."
A/N: And another great idea I came up with which I totally ruined!(⌒▽⌒)
Anyways, sorry if I updated this kinda late. I just started getting busy w/ online class along w/ me catching up to my anime list and seasonal anime arghhh....

But ne ways, this is now the best I could came up with and I hope it's not that short. But then again, I'll try to do my best. And before I'll recieve complaint at how this was short, yes.. this is kinda rushed for me.

So that is all... Jaa, matta ne!!

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu X Reader Oneshots/Scenarios ;)Where stories live. Discover now