🎮Games and Cuddles🎮 (Kenma Kozume)

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A/n: Welp, here's the new chapter🤗! Grammatical errors ahead! Hope you enjoy <3
Many people might think that Kenma doesn't like physical attention (you even once thought about it too), but deep down... Kenma's like a cat and just loves cuddles... Especially while he's in game

At first it was awkward, you wanting to try cuddling w/ him and suddenly hopping onto his lap which caught Kenma in surprise. Kenma was as still as a log that day, not knowing what to do and just awkwardly wrapping his arms onto your waist and continue playing his video game, trying to ignore your soft heartbeats and his own pounding ones.

But as time flew by, the both of you got used to it and you often cuddle when you stayed at Kenma's place and vice versa. He would even sometimes teach you how to play some video games of his own.
The both of you were walking home, Kenma just finishing volleyball practice and playing a random game on his phone. You loved hearing Kenma's soft hummings but was cut off by an obnoxious noise.
"Kuroo... What do you want?" You gave him a cold glare which you only got a chuckle in response.
"Oh just waiting to see Kenma's boyfriend side. I heard you two always cuddle when both of you were alone." Kuroo smirked and you rolled your eyes. He's always like this, him being behind the both of you. You didn't mind at all until you heard that Lev saw the both of you on your recent date being all lovey dovey and quickly telling this to Kuroo.
"Well you're out of luck. We aren't like that at all." You scoffed, crossing your arms. "Oya? Then why are you so bothered by it?" He said.
You felt your eye twitch and you swear that you can't wait punching his face in no time but Kenma tapped your shoulder stopping you.
"Ignore him." He whispered. "I was but he's making it so hard." You rolled your eyes and Kenma just sighed.

Finally, you were both in front of Kenma's house and you started shooing Kuroo away.
"Alright you're here and you saw nothing right? No would you please leave." You said.
"Hmmm??? No way I would. Being the third wheel's surprisingly fun." Kuroo chuckled, struggling to not laugh.
"Why you little son of a-"
"Y/n, let's go." Kenma added, suddenly tugging you inside. "See ya around Kuroo."
Kuroo smirked, "Oh well, it is y/n after all." And there Kuroo made his way.
"Thank god. I thought he would never leave." You groaned, plopping yourself on Kenma's lap while he plays another game. You rested your head on his chest while you wrap your arms around his waist, softly humming a bit.
Kenma's left hand stroked your hair softly, playing it a bit while the other was continuing the game. The way you hum was somewhat relaxing that it made him sleepy.

He immediately turn his game off and that made you stood up. "Is there something wrong?" Kenma asked, a bit disappointed thinking that you're finish cuddling w/ him. "Honestly this is a surprise." You grinned, sitting on the edge of Kenma's bed. "This is the first time you stopped playing a game this early."
"Well, I just wanted to cuddle." Kenma admitted, hiding his blush on his face. But now that he realizes what you're wearing, he blushes even more. It was one of his hoodies and even though it's big on you, it made you look more cuter.

You chuckled at how surprisingly clingy Kenma was today. It wasn't always like that after all. "Well, it's not like I mind giving ya cuddles!" You giggled. And as if it was on cue, Kenma immediately lie down your lap. He was holding your waist tightly and you played w/ his hair like you enjoyed.

Like a cat, Kenma snuggled into your hand and you just can't help but giggle at how cute he is. "You really do act like a cat Kozu-kun." You smiled. Kenma just shrugged.

"You know y/n, I really do love you." He softly mumbled against your lap and your face was immediately red.
"Y-yea, me too. I love you too Kozu-kun." You smiled, giving his forehead a soft peck.

Then, the both of you quickly flinched when you heard a camera. And it was of course Kuroo.
"Now this is a rare sight, y/n being all girly and Kenma being clingy. You two really are cute huh?" Kuroo smirked, waving his phone around. "By the way, your mother let me in Kenma." He said before quickly storming off.
"KUROO TETSUROU!!! Goddamn you!!!!" You shrieked, angrily chasing after him and hiding your blush w/ your arm.
Well, it is Kuroo after all😅.
A/n: well isn't this short? I honestly think Kenma's the type who likes cuddles and Kuroo being a third wheel lmao. If you don't agree, well bear w/ me please. Hope you liked this one😊. Also, maybe I might double the chapters uploaded every Monday. Well, that is all...
-Author-sama out!

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