His Baby Owl Part 2 (Bokuto Koutarou)

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A/N: I just have a feeling that the Bokuto oneshot needs and here I made!!

This will be how Bokuto would be as a dad to his precious baby owl😭.

Hope you enjoy!!!!!
Bokuto huffed as a cool breeze blew through the neighborhood as the leaves on the branches swayed with the wind.
With swift motion, Bokuto unlocked the door to the front door carrying some groceries he just bought.

You were on a short business trip and since Bokuto's free for the whole week, you entrusted Sora to him, listing down different rules to him.
Ever since you got back to work from your leave, you were stacked with work.

But you were worried what the sake of the house would be once you got back. Bokuto being Bokuto, told you not to worry and that Sora is in his safe hands. (Though you will kill him once you find out he left the house with your sleeping baby in the house).

He dropped the groceries on the counter and began to change into his inside clothes. He, not realizing, pouted wishing you were here to greet him home and play with your hair. He sure does miss you, A LOT.

He misses you so much that he instantly went into his emo mode. But the nostalgic feeling remind him of highschool again.

Then it instantly hit him.

Without you or Akaashi to cheer him up, there was someone else.

He went upstairs and rushed towards the nursery to where his precious little owl was.

And there it was, the cute little crib of Sora. He knelt in front of it and began cooing at how cute Sora was.
He rest his chin on his folded arms over the corner edges and his gaze softened.

She was so small and now she's finally here. She had been there for a little over the year.

Flashbacks began flashing into his eyes, like the first time you started feeling sick, the months passing by as your belly grew bigger and bigger, confirming the news the doctor had already given you two. And then before he knew it, his little angel had come into his life and he couldn't ask for a more better life than this.
It felt like just being there with them for these moments as they passed each second by second.

Thunder rumbled as a vicious wind blew, making the branch of the tree sitting in the backyard slap against the backside of the house, just beside the window.

A startled Sora was stirred from her late afternoon naps. Bokuto could see her uncomfortable sleep as he peered down to themes they began to stir from the sound of the storm. Sora had her fists softly curled up as her tiny face contorted and turn sour as she let out a little pouty whimper, lip quivering, as she took short breaths that slowly turned into a loud cry. Bokuto's hair instantly perked up, looking down at his baby.

He couldn't and wouldn't have his babies distressed, not on his watch. He immediately scooped her up, Sora's head on his shoulder as she cling into his shirt sniffling while Bokuto gently brought her to both of your shared bedroom, where it was much more silent to this loud storm.
"Shh, don't cry, Daddy's here." He said lovingly.

He gently laid Sora on top of him, whimpering as her cries slowly faded away. Though being in slightly uncomfortable with the position he's in, no discomfort bothered Bokuto especially now with his baby owl.

Bokuto hummed peacefully in the small space with his baby girl as the storm blew on. Nothing else mattered anymore than this moment for him.
She's just so small, innocent, and pure. It amazed him that he's the father to this precious being. His heart could never stop fluttering around.

And before he knew it, he slept peacefully with his baby.
You drove carefully through the windy road until you turned to your block, finally being able to return back home. You slowly drove your car into the driveway past into his garage, safe from the rain pouring outside.

You were about to go inside but was a bit curious why Bokuto's outside shoe was just left on the floor. But you ignored it and assumed that he went outside with your daughter before the storm came in.

The door open to a dimly lit house.
"Koutarou?" You gently called.

You were expected to see Bokuto greeting you, giddy and all. But where was the said owl?
"Bo?" You called again, using his sweet nickname he always loved.

You checked the nursery and was surprise neither Bokuto nor Sora was there. Okay, you're getting a bit worried.

But once you reached your bedroom, there was Bokuto lightly snoring with your child on top of him. You giggled at how cute they look right now. Sora's cheek was clearly squished against his collar, face nuzzled into his neck as your husband slept with his mouth slightly agape.

"Koutarou." You whispered as you lightly waked him up, after taking a few pictures of course. Bokuto took a semi-sharp inhale as his eyes fluttered open, mindful not to take sudden movements (mah boy's all matured now). His eyes immediately lit up now knowing you are home.

"Welcome home," he breathed as he blinked slowly, looking down to Sora as they were attached to him.
"Do you want me to get a blanket?" You asked but you were about to put it on them anyway.

"They're not gonna stay small forever." Bokuto suddenly mentioned, about to go back to sleep.
"I know baby." You smiled. "Sleep well, I'm going to cook dinner." You leaned close, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"So Bo, did you and Sora went out last morning?" You suddenly asked, eating breakfast beside your husband.

Bokuto coughed, remembering that he shouldn't have left Sora alone yesterday.
"Uh- um... Y-yeah! I bet she had lots of fun being with me that time! Ehhehe..."

You smirked knowingly. You knew something was up but just let it slide after seeing that cute sight yesterday.
A/N: And... The End!
So yeah, I edited the first part cuz it was suppose to be twins and not only one child. But I ditch my original plan cuz I honestly think it wasnt good enough.

As for this chapter though, like I said, this is to close off the original part and I'm just gonna say that I suck at domestic stuff!

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