Unplanned Pregnancy (Scenario)

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A/N: A scenario where Kuroo, Bokuto, and Tsukki would react to an unplanned pregnancy (I swear, I always pick these three for scenarios).

This might be an angst-fluff scenarios or something like that, but yeah, I'll just go with this:D

Note: Characters are aged 21+ and above!!!

-----Kuroo Tetsurou----"Y/N, I'm home!" Kuroo called out to nothing but silence

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-----Kuroo Tetsurou----
"Y/N, I'm home!" Kuroo called out to nothing but silence.
Weird, he thought for he have been used to your sweet voice calling back to him.

He heard the door of your shared bedroom creaked open and he heard your distinct sobs coming out from it.

"Y/N? You here?" He gently asked and was shocked to see you wrapped up in his hoodie, hands trembling as tears streamed down your face.

Kuroo wasted no time and quickly walked over you, his eyes full of panic and concern as he brought you to his embrace.

And you broke down, sobbing in his arms while Kuroo gently rubbed your back.

"Hey, it's okay baby. What's going on? Talk to me."
He bent down and wiped the tears of your face and planted a soft kiss on your forehead before bringing you back to his chest.

"I-I don't know what to do, Tetsurou." You hiccuped between sobs.
"What do you mean? What's going on baby?"

You breathed in and pulled out the pregnancy test from your hoodie pocket and handed it to him, trembling.

He stared at it a few minutes before reaching over to his nightstand, setting it down before pulling his comforter over the both of you.
You automatically snuggled to his side, your small hands gripping the blanket in a poor attempt to hide your face from him as you sobbed uncontrollably.

"I-I don't know... What should I do Tetsu? I'm st-still not ready for this..."

Kuroo snaked his arms around your shoulders, holding you tightly, "It's going to be okay, Y/N. We're going to get through this here together. And I'll never leave you alone. I'm here every step of the way."
He whispered into your ear, rocking you gently.
"Y-you promise?"
"I promise." Kuroo cheekily smiled.

Your shoulders relaxed and a soft smile finally fell on your lips as you looped your arms around his waist and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

----Bokuto Koutarou----Bokuto was sent to panic immediately when he found out

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----Bokuto Koutarou----
Bokuto was sent to panic immediately when he found out.
It was unplanned and the both of you were shocked at how easily you're able to conceive on short notice.

You know that Bokuto's a busy guy and he wasn't home very often due to his career, not that you mind. You've always supported him ever since.

And you were slightly nervous yourself, anxiety seeping in when the test was positive and that was when Bokuto was on his away games.

Bokuto groaned and rolled over to grab his phone when you called him late at night, atleast that's the time where he is.
"Hey baby, you alright?"

And Bokuto immediately shot up from the bed hearing you use his first name instead of his nickname in which he adored. He started frantically pacing around the hotel room.
"Baby, what's wrong? Everything okay there? Do I need to get a flight back home now?"
"Bo, calm down. I'm okay, promise. But well... Actually Bo, I'm... pregnant..." You muttered hesitantly.

Bokuto stopped in his tracks and processed the words you just said.
"Wait, what?"
"Y-yeah... We're going to have a baby, Koutarou..." You said reluctantly, unsure of what his response would be.

It's not that Bokuto's upset, he was just scared to become a father so early on his career. He wanted to provide for the both of you, but he didn't expect it to be right now.

You were getting nervous and nervous as days passed, but when Bokuto got home and hugged you gently, you were rest assured.
"I love you so much." He whispered to you lovingly.

----Tsukishima Kei----Tsukki was seemed to be actually happy at hearing the news

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----Tsukishima Kei----
Tsukki was seemed to be actually happy at hearing the news.
He have always thought about having a family with you, but he just never said it out loud of course.

It wasn't until he walked through the front door to your shared apartment that he found you standing in front of the mirror, your hands crossed as you scrunched your nose.

"What the hell crawled up your ass to make you stand like that in front of the mirror?"
You cocked your head and rolled your eyes before you grabbed the small plastic stick and throwing it straight at him, smacking Kei's forehead.

He grunted and irritably looked at it on the floor questioningly before picking it up. He observed it and saw the results before looking up at you with raised brows, almost an excited expression shown on his face.
"Is this why you're so upset?"

You shuffled awkwardly as Kei set down the test and took your hands in his as he looked at you with caution.

You sighed and softly shooked your head.
"No I'm not upset, it's just..." You lowered your head and looked away. "Do you even want a baby, Kei? We've never talked about it and... I don't want you to leave me..."

Had he really made you think he'd leave you if you were pregnant? Hearing you say that made the cogs in his head turn and sputter momentarily before he took your face into his hands, bringing your gaze at him.
"Just because we haven't talked about it doesn't mean I haven't thought about it. Let alone don't want one."

Your eyes glimmered and you wrapped your arms around him as Tsukki kisses the top of your head affectionately.

Ever since that, he likes to hold you closely when you're asleep and often checks to see if the baby is awake or not.
He truly wants to protect his child through everything and he wants to be the one to take care the both of you.
A/N: And that's it!!! Hopefully, none was too OOC.

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