Arguments (Tsukishima Kei)

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A/N: ok, to be honest, I was planning to do some Kenma fluff here but I ended up trashing it since I just don't feel satisfied w/ it...

But then this came up and I think this ended up good enough (hopefully).

And sorry but this kinda angst but w/ a fluff ending. Don't worry☺️

Anyways, enough chit-chat and let's just go w/ this.
You and this salt boy always argue, like always. But honestly, it wasn't that serious. It was just childish bickering between the both of you which you're the one who often apologize since Tsukishima has his cocky pride.
But this argument has escalated more than the both of you anticipated.
You had a bad day. You woke up late at school and forgot the homework at home which you completely worked hard at (and the reason why you woke up late) and got punishment by standing at the halls, carrying some buckets filled w/ water.
Oh and since you woke up late, that means you didn't have time for breakfast and that made you starved.

And when lunch break finally came, one of your idiot classmates spilled their drink on you and you trying to be as kind as you are forced a smile but you were internally screaming in rage.

Things got worse when it rained and you forgot to bring an umbrella but who could even tell it? It was completely sunny that morning!

But then again, you were looking forward to meet w/ Tsukishima when you got home since you two haven't seen each other in a while due to being busy w/ club activities.
You wanted to atleast cuddle w/ him (believe me, he has his times) and talk about how bad the rest of your day was and listen at how Tsukishima's day is.
Or so that's what you thought...

When you got there, Tsukishima was actually laughing and teasing at how soaked your clothes are from the rain. He wouldn't shut up about it.

You gritted you teeth and lashed at him. But he just mocks you.

"For fuck's sake Kei, can't you say anything nice to me for once? Like atleast a single word? I literally had a bad day goddamit!"
"Aww, someone had a bad day? Seriously y/n, don't you think that everyone has them? You're being too emotional." He smirks, and you were clenching your fists.

You know that you can't win against him and even if you retort back, he'll just keep mocking you for god knows how long. So you just leave him.
"You know, I actually thought coming here would make my day better. I was looking forward to see you again after those long weeks you know, Tsukishima."

And both of you knew that he fucked up when you started calling his last name. But Tsukishima had his pride and he just assumes that you'll be back to normal tomorrow. So he doesn't apologizes that night.

It's just a bad day. It's not like he made you cry.
----timeskip to next day-----
The next day, Tsukishima called you at the halls.
"Nee, y/n, wanna walk home w/ me later?" He asked.
But instead of your cheerful smile, you gave him the cold shoulder and ignored him.

And he knows that he's floored.

At practice, Yamaguchi seems to notice the distance between the both of you and starts asking Tsukishima out of concern, "Nee, Tsukki, are you and y/n fighting? You guys don't seem to talk w/ each other know."
"Hmm? Forget her, she's just being petty." He states.

But deep down, he feels kinda guilty. A part of him wants to apologize but the other half of him is pissed that you're too "childish". And yes, he ignores you too.
This went on and on for days to the point Tsukishima starts to miss you. He wants to text you a sorry but he knows that wouldn't work.
He actually does something quite cute the next day.

He sneaks your favorite drink and w/ a note that says: "I'm sorry y/n :("
But your were too pissed and dispose the drink immediately (ouch). Of course Tsukki saw this but he'll try even harder.

But when none of the thing he did works, he straight up storm inside you house and pulled you into his chest without warning.
"You- Let go of me!" You exclaimed, but those were muffled since your face was at Tsukishima's chest and you were struggling to be free from his grasp.
You started giving light punches at his chest but those weren't enough.

"Oi y/n... ittai... Oi!" He grumbled, grabbing a tight hold of your wrists.

"You're a real idiot!" You suddenly shouted, unable to hold your sobs any longer. "I just wanted to cuddle w/ you and stuff after a bad day but insults are what I get? Are you serious Kei?!" You admitted, helplessly leaning your head against his chest.

Tsukishima's gaze softened at you. He quickly gave you a tight hug which thankfully, you gave in to.
"I'm *hic*... Still mad at you okay?" You sniffled, tightening your hug at him.
"Yeah sure you are." Tsukishima sighed, resting his head on the crook of your neck.

"Look, I was being an ass alright? Sorry, I took it lightly." He confessed.
"Like that's gonna change my mind."
"Oh really now?"

You were certain you were blushing red when you feel Tsukishima's lips on the back of your neck.
"Eh... K-kei-kun, let go of me!" You exclaimed, covering your mouth and your nape in embarassment.

"Hmm? I thought you're still mad at me y/n, what happened to it?" He chuckled.
"I... I still am!" You exclaimed, looking away from him.

But Tsukishima lifted your chin to face him and you're now a blushing mess.
"I know you love me y/n." He smirked.
"F-fine... baka." You stuttered, looking down the floor before pecking Tsukishima's lips in which he gladly returns.
A/N: and that's the end of it! Sorry if it was too short, I really don't feel very much confident w/ this but I have no choice so yeah.

Hopefully you guys would like this.
Jaa, matta ne!

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