Pepper Spray

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 Work had been tiring. The week seemed longer than usual. I was stressed and tired and hungry. It was Friday night and the rain was pouring from the dark sky of Gotham. 

I had only one thought in mind; go home and hide myself under my blanket for the whole weekend. The subway was crowded by bodies. Everything was wet and smelly and sticky. I was crushed against a stained window by a tall man, his elbow digging into my ribs. I could smelt his breath and it seemed like he ate some dead rotten thing. Disgusting.

Finally the subway's doors opened and I almost ran out of the subway station, being drenched by the pouring water instantly. I hold my coat tightly against my shivering body and walked quickly in direction of my flat. Of course today had been the day I forgot my umbrella.

I arrived at the building and took the elevator. I reached my floor and walked toward my flat's door, water dripping from my hair and coat. I was about to look for the key in one of my pocket when I froze. The front door was ajar and lights had been on in my flat. My breath itched. Was today also the day I got robbed ? I felt tears stinging the corner of my eyes. What a shitty day. I couldn't believe it.

I took my phone to call the police but of course it was dead. I cursed under my breath. I looked into my bag and took out a pepper spray. My friend gave it to me saying that Gotham was dangerous. I clutched it against my chest while pushing the door open slowly.

I glanced behind it to see the lights on in my living room. I also heard steps in the kitchen.

I walked in, letting the door opened in case I need to run for my life.

"Who is here?" I asked toward the kitchen, pepper spray ready to be used. "I'm armed."

The sounds in the kitchen stopped.

"Y/n ?"

I let my arms fall back on my sides as I saw my friend coming out of my kitchen.

"Damian?" I asked, voice hoarse.

Damian Wayne was in my living room with a bathrobe tied loosely around his body, showing swimming trunk under it. His green eyes shone under the lights on the living room.

"Y/n, what are you doing with your pepper spray out ?" he asked frowning.

I bit my lower lip, feeling a lump in my throat.

"I thought ... I thought you were a robber." I whispered, voice cracking in the process.

His lips parted, surprised.

"But I texted you that I was coming." he explained.

Tears blurred my vision.

"My phone is dead. And I'm tired. I'm cold and I'm wet and ... and you fucking scared me" I said pathetically, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Damian's eyes widened as I began to sob in the middle of my living room, still wet and shivering because of the rain. He rushed toward me and hugged me, arms around my waist, pressing my head in the crook of his neck.

"No, no, no" he whispered, brushing my hair away from my face. "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't want to scare you."

I tried to speak behind my tears but I couldn't.

"You told me yesterday that your week was shit so I thought about making you a surprise tonight." he explained.

After a few minutes I stopped crying. He let go of me.

"I'm sorry Damian."

"Don't apologize" he said with a small smile. "Well, I guess you need it more than ever then."

"Need what ? "

"My surprise" he exclaimed.

I looked at him puzzled.

"Put a swimming suit on and go to the bathroom. I ran a bath with bubble and scented candles and I was about to open the champagne bottle" he said.

I opened my mouth but no sound came out.

"Then I'll cook us some food and we are going to watch the movie you want while eating it, drinking wine and then pop corn!"

He looked at me expectingly.

"What do you think?" he said.

I brushed my last tears from my cheeks.

"I think you're the best friend I ever had" I said with a smile.

My week was shit. But friendship made it bearable.  


Hi dear reader !

I hope you like it !

I guess this kind of scene is more believable when your friend is as wealthy as Damian Wayne ^^. 

Anyway, there are less people reading these one shots than people reading my stories. So for the ones who read them, thank you. 

I feel less pressured to update with one shots, so for the moment I'll keep doing that. 

Hope to see you fro the next update !!!

See you :)

Take care and have a nice day !!!!

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