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 A grunt followed the pull I strained upon his body.

"Come on." I moaned.

I felt his fingers brushing my side, grazing my clothes before griping my waist more firmly. I slid my own arm under his back as my free hand drew his face toward mine. He leaned against me, his breath warming the skin of my neck. I felt his forehead pressed against my shoulder.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

He groaned against my skin, sending a shiver through my spine. We needed to move.

"Robin, please, I need to ... we need to ..." my tongue stumbling over words.

"Y/n?" his voice was hoarse.

I bit my lower lip. "Yes, Robin, it's me. I'm here. Stay with me." I pleaded, feeling a disgusting warmth running from the skin of my neck down to my collar. I didn't need to look down to know that it was blood. His blood gushing from the injury at the top of his head.

"We need to get you out of here. You need medical care now."

I looked around us with despair. We were under many layers of a destroyed building. Splinted wooden pillars, crumbling mortar, shattered tiles created a dangerous ceiling above us, with glass shards and rubble for precarious floor.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to lift him out of the floor. He bit back a scream. His whole body shook under the pain, his face covered with sweat.

"Y/n" he whispered, his eyes closing.

"I'm here Damian."

After a few more efforts, we were finally standing under the crumbling ceiling. I looked around us, trying to figure out a way out. It's when I saw it or more likely smelt it. Smoke.

"Shit. We need to move, like right now." I said.

I took a step toward what seemed to be a way at the other side from where the smoke seemed to come from. I whimpered, feeling pain in my left ankle. Damian's arm around my waist slip but I was able to catch him before the fall.


I leaned his body against mine, throwing his arm around my shoulder and taking a better grip around his waist.


But I didn't get an answer as we started stumbling away from the smoke.

It wasn't supposed to happen like that. Still a few minutes ago we were on the roof of this building, which towered over the mountains of Switzerland. It was where the HQ of the League of Assassins had been built again. After Ra's al Ghul death under his enemies' hands, when Damian was around ten years old, the HQ had been completely destroyed. But Talia didn't not let go of her father's legacy. She killed every traitors the League had, one by one, letting a trail of blood behind her. Through her actions, she showed the League that she was worthy of being their leader. When she had taken the reins, she rebuilt the HQ as it was during her father's time. Above the first Lazarus pit ever found.

Talia did try to bring Damian back to the League. It was way before I joined the Bat family. But to no avail. Damian had already learned a lot with his father and refused to come back. His mother seemed to let go of the idea of Damian going back to her. And for years no one from the Bat family heard of the League.

One Shots (Damian Wayne x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora