chapter two

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THE red-haired wacky girl quickly put away the mirror in her car, after fixing her makeup, and got out of it, making sure to fling her scarlet curls as much as possible when she did so, and giggled right after.

Crystal entered the store, and grabbed one of the flyer maps the supermarket employees were offering — Crystal had lived in that town her whole life, and still, she was clueless when it came to public places. She always was.

She looked up and down at the flyer, and followed each path and aisle with her finger, trying to match what was on the paper with the real store.

When she finally managed to find where the correct aisle was, Crystal walked towards it, and leaned on the stand's counter.

''Hi, I'd like to buy 1 ticket to The Moonlight Circus please.''

The lady must've seen Crystal approaching her before, because she had displeasure and disapproval written all over her face. Crystal brushed it off by letting out a small laugh — that was her daily bread, the exact reaction she always got by everyone, and she was kind of used to it.

''Here you go, um...'' The lady stretched her hand to hand Crystal the ticket, right before struggling to decipher what her gender was and what to call her.

''Just Crystal's fine.'' Crystal said with a roguish smile, and snatched the tickets out of the lady's hand.


When she got inside her car, Crystal picked up the ticket, and looked at it carefully for the first time — other than the dates and time of the event and the name of the circus in heavy typography, the ticket also illustrated a picture of a prepossessing long-legged blonde hanging from a piece of silk. 

It was odd, Crystal had never seen this particular performer before; but she was getting way too excited to finally meet her in the show. Just judging from the picture, Crystal could already tell that she was beauteous, literally out of this world; but she couldn't help but wonder what else is there? Who knows, maybe she was a first rate performer who got the boys to drool all over her... 

Hm, Crystal couldn't help but get disheartened at that thought — the possibility of the new performer being gay, let alone being into Crystal, was almost nil. Whatever, Crystal shook that thought off, as she started her car engine and disappeared. 

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