An American Girl Has Gone Missing

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An MMA match was on and someone was watching the fight on television.

Becky walked into the room, pressing her phone. She looked up just as the white guy tackled the black one and then repeatedly punched him.

“That's the guy they want you to fight? The white guy.” She said to her dad who was watching the match.

“He's good.” Andrew commented.

“He's a monster.” Becky said as she came to sit next to her dad, watching the match.

Andrew took note of the worried look on his daughter’s face.

“Sweetheart, what's the matter?”

“You know, I read you could earn good money as a trainer.”

Andrew looked back at the television, then to his daughter, and then he let out a small smile.

“Oh……Becky, I'm good at what I do. Come here, let me show you something.”

Becky scooted closer to her dad.

Andrew rewind the tape.

“See this guy?” He asked pointing at the white guy.

“See how he only favors one side? Right leg, right jab, boom, boom, boom. Now, that's a weakness his opponent is not exploiting. He's not thinking long term.”

“And you do?” Becky asked, giving her dad a look.

“You betcha. Put me in a cage with this guy, I'd take him out…… two rounds, easy. I'll tickle him to death.” Andrew said, tickling his daughter.

“Okay. I get it, I get it. You're a pro. Ready for your comeback.”

“You betcha.”

“Okay.” She sighed and got up.

“Now can you use your superpowers to do something about the wireless in this place? I'm trying to upload the pictures,
but the signal keeps dropping.” Becky said, picking up her laptop from the table, still holding her phone.

Her dad didn’t hear her, still watching the fight.


“Yeah, go try the balcony. You might get a better signal.” He paused the tape.

“Okay.” She said, walking towards the balcony.

“All right, I'm going to take a shower.” Andrew said, going upstairs.

“If it's not fixed when I come down, I'll have them move us to a different room.”

“Okay. Oh, and we need ice. Mom said she'd get some, but she passed out.”

“All right, well, let her sleep. We'll go downstairs and get some later, okay?”


Becky walked to the balcony, placing her laptop on the table, and raising her phone up, trying to get a signal.

“The signal here sucks.” Becky jumped when she heard a voice and turned to see a young black haired woman sitting on the balcony, holding a camera.

It was actually the woman from earlier that day, who was taking photos of them at the airport.

“Oh, yeah.” Becky replied.

“It's best on the second floor, near the ice machine. Sorry I startled you. I'm Amalia.”

“Becky. Nice to meet you.”

“You here on vacation?”

“Sort of.” Becky said, taking a seat.

“My dad's on a business trip.”

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