Back In The Field

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A delivery truck stopped in front of a large compound. The man guarding the gate woke up when he heard the sound of the truck.

Gaul and [Y/n] came down from the truck, wearing delivery uniforms with Gaul carrying a small package, and walked towards the gate.

The guard opened the gate, while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

[Y/n] looked around the compound cautiously as they walked towards the guard.

“Good evening.” Gaul greeted.

“It's a little late for delivery.” The guard said.

“I know, but the overtime is worth it. Need the extra money.”

“We’re having a baby.” [Y/n] said convincingly, clenching Gaul’s arm, with a fake smile on her face.

“Really? Well congratulations then.” The guard said.

“Thank you. Please. Sign here.”

Gaul handed him a pen.

The guard pressed the pen and was pierced in the finger with a tranquilizing needle.

The guard fainted, and then Gaul caught him and slowly brought him to the ground. Then they both dragged him away from plain sight.

A man sat watching the CCTV cameras of the whole compound.

He reached for his cup of coffee and took a sip.

He looked back at the monitors to see that two particular images kept repeating over and over again.

He tried fixing it but it didn’t work. He picked up his walkie-talkie.

“Guys. Keep your eyes open. Something's up with the monitors.”

The guards at the front of the mansion had just received that information when suddenly a pickup truck came driving towards them at full speed.

“Stop!” They yelled.

“Stop! Stop!”

They started shooting at the truck, but it didn’t stop. They continued shooting at it until it came to a stop in front of them.

Their leader slowly walked towards the truck and looked inside.

There was no one inside, except a stick which was tied to the break pad.

The man immediately panicked.

“Who's guarding the back?”

The man watching the CCTV cameras was frantically typing on his computer when suddenly a gun was pointed at his head.

“Hi sweetie.” A female voice said, making him tense up.

“Up.” The lady commanded, and he did just so. She pulled him away.

An old man wearing a robe suddenly cocked his gun, as his personal guard came into the room.

“What the fuck?”

“Boss, come on, let's get you to the vault.” The man said, taking him out of the room.

“Who are they?”

“I don't know, but we can't take any chances. Come on!”

The men who were guarding the gate ran up the stairs to the room of the man who was watching the CCTV cameras.

They paused when they saw him strapped to a chair, his hands and legs tied, and his mouth taped.

Grenades were strapped to his chest, their pins all held up with ropes.

The head of the guards looked down to see a trip line, which was connected to a single rope, that was also connected to the grenades on his chest.

The man slowly shook his head, and the guards all turn back, starting to run for their lives when suddenly, the pins on the bombs were pulled off, and the whole room exploded.

The effects of the bomb got to where the old man was trying to escape with his personal guard.

“It's the fucking Russians! Gotta be.” The old man said.

“Get more guys over here.”

“Done.” His guard said.

They reached a door and tried it open but it won’t budge.

Then suddenly a knockout gas cylinder was thrown near them

The two men looked up to see the silhouette of a man, walking away.

The gas started to affect them and then they fainted.

The old man woke up, slightly dazed and confused. He realized that he was on his bed.

Then suddenly, a man and a woman appeared, looking down at him.

“Hi.” [Y/n] said smiling cheekily.

“You may not feel it yet, but you will soon.” Gaul said.

Gaul held a knife which was covered in blood.

On the man’s chest was inscribed:

“It's a reminder of the most important person in your life as of right now.”

“You know who I am?” The man, Bogdanov asked.

“That's why we’re here. We want the man in charge.”

[Y/n] pulled out a picture of Becky, showing the picture to the man.

“Where is she?” The woman asked.

“American girl. Not my thing.”

“Then who?”

“I don't know. Never touch Americans. Bad for business. Fucking cops raiding my clubs for days now.”

“Competition.” [Y/n] stated.

“Who wants to hurt you?” Gaul asked.

“Russians. Always trying to move in.”

“The only reason you're alive is because you have a job to do.” Gaul said.

“I told you...”

“Shut up. The man’s talking.” [Y/n] said, making Gaul smirk slightly.

“You run the city. You find this girl as quickly as possible. And you bring her back to her parents by this time tomorrow.” Gaul instructed.

“If not……” [Y/n] took the knife from Gaul’s hand. “……we’ll come back here and I'll carve out your eyes one by one. Am I clear?”

“Yeah.” Gaul cut one of the Bogdanov's hand out, allowing him to free himself, as the two mercenaries walk out.

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