Back On Track

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[Y/n] sat in a restaurant, picking her food, her mind elsewhere.

“And that’s how we were able to finally save that man’s life.”

Juan Cho looked up to see that his date was paying no attention to him.

“[Y/n]? Hey.” He touched her hand making her jump.


“Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah I’m fine. I was just……just thinking about something.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, it’s just that American girl case.”

“Oh yeah. I heard your ex-husband was involved.”

“It wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t anybody’s fault. And he’s not my ex-husband yet.”

"Yet. But he will be soon. [Y/n] he filed for the divorce, he doesn’t want you. Don’t tell me you’re thinking of going back to him.”

“I didn’t say that.” [Y/n] said frowning.
Juan Cho sighed and reached for her hand.

“[Y/n], I’m here for you. I won’t hurt you. [Y/n] I……I think I’m in love with you.”

“What?!” [Y/n] asked bewildered.

Selwyn and Gaul pulled up to the restaurant where Juan Cho and [Y/n] were on their date.

“There they are.” Gaul frowned when Juan Cho took [Y/n]'s hand.

“Stay here.” He walked to the restaurant.

“Dad what are you doing? Dad wait.”

[Y/n] still stared at Juan Cho speechless.
“Juan Cho I……well I don’t really……I mean I……”

Gaul immediately burst into the restaurant

“[Y/n] I need to talk to you.”

“What? Sam what are you……”

“Hey look buddy, we’re on a date right now, so can you please leave before you cause trouble.” Juan Cho said to Gaul.

“Well, buddy, I have something more important than your little date.”

“Look if you’re here to hurt [Y/n] again……”

“I don’t have time for this. [Y/n] let’s go.” Gaul grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

“[Y/n] don’t you dare go with him.”

“Juan Cho I’m sorry, I’ll be back before you know it.”

Gaul took [Y/n] outside.

“Sam what’s your deal? Why’d you barge in here and……”

“The girl’s still alive.” [Y/n] paused, then she leaned forward to smell his breath.

“You’re drunk again. That’s what you are. I’m going back.” She turned back, but Gaul pulled her back.

“[Y/n] please, listen to me. Becky’s photos, they all show Becky wearing her bracelet on her right wrist, but when we found her body, the bracelet was on the left.”

“It could be just a coincidence. Maybe she switched the bracelet or……”

“Why won’t you believe me? Why are you doubting what I’m saying? [Y/n], I know I’ve been really unstable, but please just give me this last chance. We’re partners, I can’t do this without you. Please.”

[Y/n] sighed.

“Okay fine. What do you want me to do?”

Gaul smiled at her.

“I need you to conduct another DNA test. Let’s see what the results truly say.”

“Okay, I’ll go do that right now.”

Gaul sighed and then hugged her, surprising both her and their son.

“Thank you. I’ll see you later at my shop.” Gaul said, walking backwards.

“Alright, see you.”

[Y/n] walked back into the restaurant, and started picking her things.

“So what did he want from you?” Juan Cho asked.

“Juan Cho I’m really sorry but I have to go right now.”

“What?! Why?” Juan Cho asked, getting up.

“I have something really important to do now Juan Cho.”

“What thing?”

“Look I can’t tell you right now but……”

"Does it involve him? Does it involve your ex-husband?”

“Juan Cho……”

“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you’re still letting him control you so easily.”

“He’s not controlling me Juan Cho. I’m making my own decision here.”

“Why? Why is your decision centered on him? Why are you still hung up on him? Do you still love him?!”

A waiter suddenly walked up to them.

“Um……excuse me. Sir, ma’am, can you please take your argument outside? You’re disturbing the other customers.”

[Y/n] looked around, and then sighed, before throwing her bag over her shoulder.

Then she whispered.

“Goodbye Juan Cho.”

[Y/n] turned and left the restaurant, tiny tears falling from her eyes.

Selwyn sped down the road, evading cars, hurrying to get to his destination.

The Faydens were in their car, on the way to the airport.

Selwyn and Gaul arrived at the airport, just as Andrew and Monica got down from their car.

Gaul walked right in front of them.

“All right, please stay away from us.” Andrew said to him.

“It's about your daughter.” Gaul replied.

“You're drunk. Get the fuck out of here!” Andrew exclaimed, shoving Gaul.

“Hey, give him a chance, all right? Listen to him. Please.” Selwyn pleaded.

“Your daughter, she always wear her bracelet on the right.” Gaul said

“What?” Monica asked, making Gaul reach into his back pocket.

“Does Becky wear her bracelet on her right hand?” Selwyn asked.

“I think so.” Andrew answered.

Gaul brought out a photo of Becky.

“In all the photos, her bracelet always on the right wrist. When they found her, it was on the left wrist.”

Andrew and Monica exchanged confused looks.

“It's a setup. It's all too neat. Girls are nothing to them. They killed another blonde girl and made her look like Becky. I think your daughter's not dead.”

“What's the point? Why would they fake her death?” Andrew asked.

“It's simple. You kidnap an American girl here, you have too much heat. How do you stop people from looking, but still profit from the girl?” Selwyn asked.

“You fake her death, everyone stops looking.” Andrew answered.

Monica still looked doubtful.

“The DNA, it matched.”

“My mom’s conducting another DNA test right now.”

Gaul laid a hand on Andrew’s shoulder.

“Plus a man once told me, everything is for sale in this country.”

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