Back Together

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Gaul, [Y/n] and Selwyn were at the airport, to see the Faydens off.

[Y/n] watched as Becky hugged Selwyn, whispering that she thought he was really handsome into his ear, making the young man laugh.

“Thank you doesn't seem enough.” Andrew said, shaking Gaul’s hand.

“Maybe next time you'll buy a steak or two.” Gaul said.

“Maybe when I come back for the fight.”

Monica turned to [Y/n], hugging her.

“Thank you so much for all you did for us.”

“It’s no trouble at all.”

“And I’m sorry for everything I said back at the hospital. I’m sure you’re a great mother. It was just……I was so hurt and……”

“It’s okay. I understand. No hard feelings.” [Y/n] said, smiling at her.

“Okay. Let's get going.” Andrew said to his family, grabbing their suitcases.

Becky turn back to Gaul and [Y/n], giving them a final goodbye wave.

Selwyn turn to his parents, as they walked out of the airport.

“Yeah, well. Dad, Mom, your ghosts, they still visit?”

“Nope.” [Y/n] said, shaking her head.

“Not for a while. At least, not where I'm working.” Gaul said.

Then [Y/n] remembered something.

“Damnit. Work! I have to go back to work to fix things. I’ll see you guys later.” She said hurriedly, then kissed her son’s forehead.

“Bye.” She rushed out of the airport, both men watching her go with smiles on their faces.

Selwyn turn to his dad, and saw the way he stared after [Y/n]'s retreating figure.

“You still love her don’t you?”

Gaul turned to his son, and then sighed.

“There’s no use denying it now, is there? But then, things are still a lot rocky between us.”

“Then fix it.”

Gaul turn to his son, then nodded determinedly.

[Y/n] sighed as she entered her house, locking the door behind her.


She yelped, jumping slightly.

“Oh. You startled me.” She said, turning and seeing Gaul sitting on her couch.
“What are you doing here anyways?”

Gaul got up and walked towards her, holding out a piece of paper.

“The final divorce papers are out. All it needs now are our signatures, and our marriage is officially annulled.”

“Oh.” [Y/n] said deflated, then she put on a brave face. “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let me go get a pen so we can sign it.”

She turned about to walk out, but Gaul stopped her, pulling her back.

“I never said I wanted to sign it.”

“What?” [Y/n] asked confused.

“What I mean is……” He tore up the paper. “I don’t want a divorce anymore.”


“I was an idiot to file for the divorce in the first place. I was so overwhelmed by guilt, I pushed away the most important person in my life, you. I thought divorcing you would help me get better, not knowing that it actually helped me got worse. [Y/n] I’m really sorry. For everything. I want you back. I want to be able to hold you and call you mine again. I want to be able to wake up every morning, and see you by my side. I want to be able to taste your sweet lips again. [Y/n] I still love you so very much. Please, please, please, take me back. Please.”

He was kneeling in front of her now.
[Y/n], with tears rolling down her eyes, nodded.

Gaul laughed happily, and stood up, pulling her in for a hug.

“God, I love you. I love you so much.” Gaul said, passionately.

“I love you too Sam. More than you could ever imagine.” [Y/n] replied.

Gaul pulled back, and then cupped [Y/n]'s cheek, placing his lips on hers.

Gaul tenderly kissed his wife, trying to memorize the taste of her lips. Their lips molded together so well, as they poured all of their love and longing for each other into the kiss.

One kiss became two, and two kisses grew into more, each growing more needy and more passionate.

Next thing, Gaul lifted [Y/n] up by her legs, wrapping them round his waist, as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom, for a long night of passionate love making.

Gaul smiled down at his wife as she slept, arms wrapped around his bare chest, while his hands were on her bare shoulders, the rest of their naked bodies covered by the blanket.

He slowly removed her arms from round him, and was rolling off the bed, when he heard a groan.

“Sam?” He turn back to [Y/n].

“Hwy sweetheart.” He kissed her forehead. “Go back to sleep.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have some unfinished business I need to take care of love.”

“Cant you just finish it tomorrow? I wanted you by me tonight.”

“And there’s exactly where I’m going to be. Go back to sleep love, I’ll be back before you know it. Okay?”

He gave her one last kiss, before putting on his clothes, going out the door.

Stelu sat in a large cathedral, two government officials standing behind him.

An old lady walked past him, out of the church.

Stelu made the sign of the cross, and then walked inside, to the confession box.

As he sat down, the priest came and sat at the other side.

“Forgive me, Father, I have sinned.” Stelu started.

“It's been……quite a while since my last confession. I wonder, does God really forgive even our worst crimes?”

The person at the other side spoke:

“God might.…” The person turned, revealing Gaul, “I won't.”

He shot Stelu through the box, killing him.

Gaul, finally filling fulfilled, stood up and left, going home to his awaiting wife.

                         THE END


Now that was a wild ride.

And with this book, I say goodbye to 2020.

Thank you all for staying with me this year.

We'll kick off next year with a Pixar movie, I'm not going to tell you which one yet, and then we'll enter a series.

My first episode by episode story.

I'm so excited and also nervous.

Anyways, see you in 2021.

Bye guys

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