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[Y/n] blinked twice when she saw the results of the DNA test. Then she reached into her pocket and drew out her phone.

“Hello Sam. I have the DNA results. You were right, they really were fake.”

The Doctor who gave the fake DNA results walked into his office.

Suddenly, Gaul jumped out from behind the door and grabbed him in a chokehold.

The doctor started struggling.

“Don't fight it.”

Gaul held on till the doctor lost consciousness.

Gaul repeatedly slapped the doctor across the face till he was awake.

The doctor looked around to see that he was tied up in a butcher shop, wearing only his boxers.

“Hey, Doctor. I believe you know Mr. and Mrs. Fayden, right?”

Gaul said, gesturing to the couple who stood beside [Y/n].

“Please. What's going on?” The doctor asked.

Andrew walked and stood in front of him.

“You look worried.”

“I……I don't understand.” The doctor said, nervous.

“Are you sure our DNA matched the dead girl's?”

“Yes, of course.”

Frustrated, Monica rushed forward and grabbed the doctor by the neck, surprising both Gaul and [Y/n].

“Where's my daughter?” Monica asked.

“She's dead.” Monica stared at him sternly.


“Who paid you off, you lying piece of shit?”

“Please. I'm not...”

Monica suddenly grabbed his crotch, making her husband blink, surprised.

“You are gonna tell me, or I will rip your balls off right fucking now!” She twisted it, making the doctor squeal in pain.

“Who paid you?”

“Stelu. It was Stelu!” The doctor finally said.

Gaul and [Y/n] exchanged a surprised look.

“Who's that?” Monica asked, turning to the couple.

“We’ll explain on the way. We have to get going.” [Y/n] said, as Gaul whipped out his phone.

“Please.” The doctor pleaded again.

“Shut up.” [Y/n] snapped.

“Hey, kid. It's me.” Gaul said into his phone.

“I need to know what Stelu would want with a kidnapped American girl…. Yeah, that's what I said. Stelu.…… Yeah, and his connection to whatever that Al Khabiri thing is.…… Be careful.” Gaul hanged up the phone.

He walked towards the doctor.

“Please.” The doctor pleaded.

“Even Stelu cannot protect you from me. Time to go.”

“Pull!” A plastic bird flew through the air, but was soon shot down by a gun.

“Pull!” Another was shot down.

Vlad smiled as he stood next to a bald man, both of them holding guns, with girls in bikinis standing around them.
The bald man’s phone rang. He picked it.

“Hello, Doctor.……What?……I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up.……Your teeth?……I see. That is unfortunate.……No, no, there's nothing to worry about. I appreciate your honesty. I'll take care of it.”

The man hung up.

“Your plan is falling apart.” The man, Stelu, said to Vlad.

“What do you know about a butcher and his partner?”

“Bogdanov said he'll take care of them.” Vlad replied.

“He didn't. This butcher and his partner are now with the parents. Together, they leaned on the good doctor, who was indiscreet enough to mention me.”

“Not good.”

“Maybe the girl is not worth it. I could incentivize the sheik in other ways.”

“Let me fix it.”

“You may need to find them first. If this butcher and his partner are local and they have heard my name, I'm sure by now they understands the predicament they are in, even if the parents do not.”

“I'll find them.” Vlad assured.

“I'd appreciate that. Because keeping my name out of this is more important to me than the girl, the Al Khabiri deal, everything. Are we clear on this?”


Stelu turned back to hmthe game.

“Pull.” He shot another birdie out of the sky.

Gaul and [Y/n] led the Faydens up a flight of stairs, to a small house.

“Stelu's official title is the Deputy Minister of Defense.” Gaul said to the Faydens.

“But his real job is number two man at State Security. The secret police.” [Y/n] added.

“Why would they want to kidnap Becky?” Monica asked.

“That's what we need to figure out.”

Gaul pressed some codes into the security panel, unlocking the door, letting them in.

“Can't we go over this Stelu guy's head? The guy who invited me here said he knows the prime minister.”

[Y/n] and Gaul rolled their eyes as they dropped the curtains and closed all the doors in the house.

“No phone calls, no contact with anyone.” Gaul instructed.

“But what would they want with us?” Monica asked.

“Either by bribery or torture, the doctor told Stelu his name has been revealed. He will protect himself at any cost.” [Y/n] replied.

“Whose place is this?” Gaul glanced at [Y/n] who looked away when their eyes met, walking to another part of the house.

“It's a safe house. My son arrange it until he get clearance to move you to the embassy.” Gaul said.

“Look, my daughter is out there.
I'm not gonna be hiding in this house.” Andrew said.

“We can't protect you and look for her at the same time.” [Y/n] said.

Gaul opened up his briefcase, pulling out a small pistol.

“Did you ever use one of these?” He asked Andrew who shook his head in disbelief.


Monica glanced at her husband, then back to the gun.

“I have. My dad was army.”

Andrew looked at his wife surprised as she cocked the gun.

“Girl you keep surprising me each day.” [Y/n] said to Monica who gave her a small smile.

“This is insane. We can't do this alone.” Andrew said.

“We're gonna reach out to the police to see who we can trust. If anyone besides me, [Y/n] or our son show up here, shoot him dead. Stelu's people can trace anything here.”

“So no phone calls, no contact with the outside. Okay? Make yourselves at home.”

Gaul and [Y/n] left the Faydens to themselves.

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