Rescuing Becky

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The Faydens arrive at Chyornaya Prison. They hid behind some bushes, watching the two guards at the front gate.

“Now what?” Andrew asked, seeing the guards.

“We have to...” Monica stopped, as she was stumped.

Then one of the guards left, leaving just one at the gate.

“I have an idea. Back up.” Monica said to her husband, who did so.

Monica drove the car up to the front gate, but then she was stopped by the guard.

“Private property.” She came down from the car.

“Private property.”

“I'm sorry, I'm really lost. Is there a phone?” Monica asked.

“Private property.” The guard repeated.

“Well, I'm willing to pay.” Monica said, reaching into her pocket, bringing out some money.

“Here.” Then the money 'fell' from her hands.

“Sorry.” Both she and the guard bent to pick the money.

As they stood up, Andrew jumped on the gurad from behind, grabbing him in a chokehold.

“American girl, blonde. Where is she?”

“No.” The guard said, struggling against Andrew’s strong grip.

“You tell me or I will snap your fucking neck.”

“4. Building 4.” The guard stuttered.

Then Andrew broke his neck.

Monica looked at her husband with wide eyes.

“Did you...”

“They took Becky.” Was Andrew’s reply.

“Take his gun.” Andrew did so, cocking the gun, as Monica ran back to the car to take hers.

“Come on.”

They walked through the gate, failing to notice the security camera watching them.

A man was patrolling the compound, when he heard in his comm.

“There's a guard down at the front gate.” He rushed towards the front gate.

Andrew and Monica hid behind one of the armored cars.

They watched as a man pushed a girl into one of the buildings.

Looking forward, they saw a building labelled 4

The Faydens watched as another man came out of the previous building, leading another girl into the building 4.

They looked closely to see that the girl looked exactly like Becky.

“Come on.”

The Faydens follow after them, watching as the man lead the girl into the building.

They followed, about to enter the building when suddenly, the sound of guns were heard behind them.

“Don't move! Guns on the ground! Now!”

They did just so.

“Okay. Okay, just don't shoot.” Andrew said.

“Turn around! Slowly.” The Faydens did so, to see three men pointing guns at them.

“We have them, we have them.” One of the men said into his comm.

“Finish it.”

That man was suddenly shot in the head. The rest looked up to see a man all dressed in black, sitting on one of the roofs.

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