Chapter 10

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Continues from Chapter 9

I looked at Bolin shocked in disbelief. I then remembered what Mako and I talked about before he spoke with Korra.

He said if things don't work out between him and Korra,he would ask you out.

Those words rang inside my head,and I could feel my smile slowly disappear. I glared at him.

"I'm not a second choice Bolin." I said with no feelings.

He coughed a bit to clear his throat,and then picked up a cup full of water and drank it to clear his throat more.

"Ahh,what do you mean second choice?"
"I'm second choice to Korra?Are you kidding me?"
"Wait what are you talking about?"
"Mako told me outside the arena that if things didn't work out between you and Korra that you would ask me out."

He was shocked at what I had said. He was embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck. I could tell he was trying to say something but he wasn't sure on how. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at me.

"Nanuq that....that was not something I expected Mako to tell you."
"Well he did. He was just looking out for me."
"I appreciate that he was but this doesn't involve him. I was gonna ask Korra out and take her out to get to know her."
"So even if I didn't say anything to you about how I felt you still would have? Then why did you ask me to come along?"
"Because I felt bad. You expressing your feelings to me I was shocked. Then when you said to go ahead and take Korra out I still felt bad. That's why I asked you to come along with us. I'm sorry that I considered you a second choice,your not. Your a person with thoughts and feelings and I should have taken account if that."
"You really should have. It hurt knowing that from Mako."
"I'm really sorry,can you forgive me?"

After what he said I knew he was being genuine.

" much as I'am disappointed in your actions I can forgive you. I appreciate that you took my feelings into consideration as well. Mako telling me....I was upset at you at first with you because of being considered second choice."
"Did he tell you that I also have feelings for you too?"
"No,he didn't." I said while blushing.
"Well I do. I really like you Nanuq,more than Korra. I just....I felt hurt by what Korra did and didn't know how to express myself. I do want to go out with you to make up for what happened. Could we? You and I?"

I was taken aback by him asking me. I did want to but....not right now.

"Bolin...I appreciate you asking me but....not right now. I'm sorry,maybe in the future we can but just not right now."

I felt my eyes become watery and my vision become blurry.
"Im sorry but I have to leave."

I got up from my chair and walked out of the noodle shop. As I walked along the empty streets of Republic City I felt tears come out of my eyes. I saw the water and dove into it. Swimming as fast as I could back to the island. I created a water spout to bring myself uo and headed to the bathhouse. The hot water and steam helped me,but why do I feel sad still? I forgave Bolin for what happened but why do I still feel like this.

Bolin POV

"I'm sorry but I have to leave." Nanuq said while she turned away.

I looked as she ran out of the resturant. She forgave me but it still hurt to be rejected by someone who feels the same way about me. I didn't care about anything and felt sorrow wash over me,and to help it I ate away my feelings.I ate so many bowls of noodles that my stomach started hurting and I felt sick.I didn't care.I didn't care about the pain and I didn't care about my feelings anymore.

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