Chapter 4

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Nanuq POV

I have no idea why....she dragged me here to the pro-bending gym just to watch her toss a medicine ball to Mako and Bolin. I was bored and yawning while sitting on the ground legs crossed,and Pabu sleeping in my lap.

"What's the big idea with me waking up this early to train? The morning is evil!" My sister said in dismay.
"Well we're the rookies,so we get the worst time slot in the gym." Bolin said tossing the medicine ball back to Mako.
"And your more of a rookie than the two of us. We gotta get you up to speed if we wanna survive in the tournament. Deal with it!" Mako said tossing the ball rather harsh towards Korra.
"You deal with it!" Korra said annoyed.

She tosses the ball back to Mako aggressively and he goes flying backwards. I let out a chuckle from him and looked to her smiling all smug like.

"Ah,there's my little hard-working street urchins!" Said a man in a raspy voice.

He comes walking from the doorway towards the Ferrets. I get up and walk towards the group. The man walks up to my sister and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Its an honor to finally meet you Avatar." The man said.
"And who are you?" My sister said annoyed and confused.
"Butakha! I run this whole pro-bending shebang." He said waving his hat around.

Korra had walked away from him as I looked over to him putting his hat back onto his bald head. He reached into an inner pocket of his jacket and brought out a wad of yuans and handed it to Mako,his facial expression was grinning towards the money.

"Here's your winnings from your last match."

Before Mako could pocket it,Butakha raised a finger and waved it in front of Mako.

"Ah ah not so fast! First you owe me for the Avatar's new gear. Gym and equipment rentals for last week,rent on your apartment,and a personal loan for groceries!"

By the time he was done listing all the expenses to Mako,there was no money left in his hand. He turned to Bolin annoyed by the "personal loan". Bolin looks to him.

"What? I'm a growing boy!"

They looked to Butakha who seemed to have a serious expression.

"Oh there is one more small item of business. The Fire Ferrets need to ante up thirty thousand yuans for the championship pot."
"Thirty thousand yuans!" Bolin said in disbelief with his hands on his head and eyes wide.
"How are we suppose to come up with that kinda money? You just took all the money we won towards all the expenses!"
"Look I'm sorry. It's just business kid. Maybe you can take a few more shifts down at the power plant?"
"I'm already working enough hours as it is." Mako said in a monotone voice.
"Sorry guys. You have till the end of the week to come up with the dough're out of the tournament.

Butakha turned and walked out of the gym,leaving us standing there.

"You two wouldn't happen to have a secret bank account overflowing with gold would you?"
"Hmm,Nanuq the yuans?" Korra said to me.
"I still have the purse. I brought it with me and I can give you guys two hundred for groceries and other things you need." I said reaching into the bag.
"No way! We don't need any handouts from you guys!"

I took my hand out and gave the money to Bolin who pocketed it quickly. I looked down to see that I still had plenty in the purse. I closed it up and put it in Korra's gym bag.

"Okay since he won't accept it I don't have nothing. I never really needed money. Me and Nanuq always had people taking care of us!"
"Well then I wouldn't say you had nothing." Mako said grabbing the medicine ball and his gym bag off the floor.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"No no it's just....we lost our parents when we were kids. We've been on our own ever since." Bolin said.
"I'm so sorry....I didn't know." Korra said sympathetically.

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