Chapter 6

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So above is Nanuqs dress for this chapter,I drew it digitally on Ibis paint. I redesigned it and made her look less like Katara,and just a simple design as well,nothing too extravagant,although I might end up redesigning the redesign in the future,but I hope you all enjoy it!

I heard Korra scream in the room next to mine. I got up from bed a little groggy and went next door. She was sitting up with Naga licking her hand to comfort her in some way. She glanced over to me.

"You alright?" I asked worried.
"Yeah,I just....I had a nightmare."
"What was it about?"

She paused for a moment to recollect what happened,I came to sit on the bed next to her.

"Before it turned into a nightmare,nightmare, was sleeping in bed.. i heard footsteps outside the window and some Equalists jumped in through the windows. I firbended towards them,one of them got behind me and chi blocked me,and I fell to my knees. Amon came walking towards me and was about to take my bending,and that's when I woke up screaming."
"That's terrible. I'm sorry you had that happen."
"Yeah,he's been in my head a lot since the rally. Have you had any dreams about him?"
"No,I haven't. I had such an uneasy feeling about him since I first saw him,and I'm suprised I haven't had any dreams of him either."
"That is suprising. I could tell you felt uneasy,you were clinging onto my arm pretty tightly at the rally."
"I did. Oh-I uh,guess I didn't notice."

She chuckled a little bit. After she told me what happened and I went back to my room to go back to sleep. Hoping I don't have any bad dreams.

The next morning

Tenzin POV

I had arrived to a council meeting that morning to talk about how we can stop Amon. After what Korra and Nanuq talked to me about what happened at the rally,I want to try and take every measure to stop his plans. During the council meeting,Councilman Tarrlok spoke about creating a taskforce.

"There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart. What we need to do is take precautions and create a taskforce to ensure the safety of our citizens. Furthermore is to also find Amon and bring him to justice!"
"Absolutly not,a decision that aggressive and rash would further divide benders and non-benders."
"Tarlok,I'm inclined to agree with your proposal,but who would even lead such a taskforce?" Said Fire Nation councilwoman.
"It would be my honor,and priviledge to accept such a duty."
"This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power isn't it."
"All I am trying to do is help our city. Let's all take a moment and think back. Forty-two years ago,Republic city was being threatened by another dangerous man,Yakone. I know your father wasn't afraid to deal with him head on."
"This is a completely different situation from what happened all those years ago,and how dare you compare yourself to Avatar Aang." I said in annoyance."
"If anything is not done at this moment,Amon is not going to stop with the bending triads. Eventually he will come for us as well,our friends,our families. If you all vote for this task force,I will put a stop to Amon before it's too late. All in favor raise your hand."

All three of the councilmen raised their hand. Tarlok looked at me with a smirk,I turned my head away in annoyance.

Korra POV

I was outside practicing my airbending. The radio was on so there was music playing making it less quiet. The radio started going fuzzy,and then it went silent,and then I heard his voice.

"Good evening my fellow Equalists. This is your leader Amon. As you have heard the Republic City council has voted to make me public enemy number one,proving once again that the bending oppressors will stop at nothing to squash our revolution,but we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day,we no longer have to live in fear. This time,the benders shall see what it's like to live in fear."

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