Chapter 12

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Authors note: For some reason when I published both chapter 11 and the update on where I have been,it did not publish chapter 11 when I looked to start a new chapter,but anyways,here is the new chapter,I hope you all enjoy!

Mako POV

I was packing up the last box that was full of mine and Bolins things,taking a glance at the attic one last time. I saw Bolin coming in.

"I still can't believe they're shutting this place down,this sucks." I said dissappointed.
"Yeah,we had some good memories here didn't we?" My brother asked with a smirk.
"Yep,we sure did." I said smiling.

I heard footsteps and saw Korra come up,she had a grin on her face,following behind her I saw Nanuq.

"Guys,I have good news!"
"Whats the good news?" I asked.

"You and Bolin don't have to live back on the streets,me and Nanuq talked with Tenzin and we made arrangements for you guys to live on Air Temple Island with us!"
"Oh,wow,thats really nice of the two of you but uhhh...." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"Asami already invited us to live in her Dads giant mansion. It's gonna be the lap of luxury for us." My brother said with his arm around Nanuq.

I see her come from the stairs holding Pabu in her arms,greeting Korra.

"Sorry,me and Nanuq were just leaving."
"No we weren't." She said.

I saw Korra glare at her sister.

"Why don't you and Nanuq come by the estate tomorrow?"
"I don't know,she probably can,but I have some Avatar stuff to do,you know training with Tenzin and all that shpeel."

"Come on Korra,we all deserve some rest and relaxation,after all the craziness that happened,we could swim in Asami pool,it'll be fun!" Bolin said making his voice high pitched,speaking for Pabu.
"Hehe,alright,I'll come tomorrow Pabu."
"Great,we'll see you both tomorrow."

I saw korra and Nanuq leave down the stairs,and we finished packing everything up to go to Asamis home.

Chief Beifong Pov

I had my officers break through the door and the windows of a warehouse belonging to Cabbage Corp,and evidence suggests that there are things hidden here that Mr.Gan-Lan didn't want anyone to know. As my men looked through the warehouse,they opened crates containing electric gloves,and posters spread on a table with Amons face plastered on them,with a printing press in the corner that was covered,nothing but Equalist propaganda.

"Looks like our intel was good."
"There's enough evidence here to bury Cabbage Corp for an eternity." Said Saikhan.

We drove back to his buisness,where a Cabbage merchant statue was in front of the building. Mr.Gan-Lan was arrested and being taken into custody. I had Saikhan take him to the police car.

"This is an outrage!I'm innocent!"
"Yeah yeah,that's what they all say." Saikhan said taking him in cuffs.

I stood in front of the building facing the reporters,cameras flashing taking my picture for the paper,questions splurged out from them on what happened.

"Is it true that Cabbage Corp is conspiring with the Equalists?"
"The evidence points in that direction,that the investigation is ongoing at the time. As of right now until new evidence comes,we have frozen Mr.Gan-Lans assets and are closing Cabbage Corp."
"NO! NOT MY CABBAGE CORP!" He said as he was fighting two of my officers hold.

Nanuq POV

Me and Korra went to the police headquarters. While we were inside to talk to Tenzin,he was busy along with Chief Beifong figuring out the evidence for what happened. I heard a familiar voice and saw a man sitting on the bench,and he greeted me and Korra. We both looked at him.

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