Chapter 11

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Music was playing from the radio in the training room of the arena. Korra,Bolin and Mako were all shooting their elements,each one at a picture of Tahnoe with his smug grin.I was sitting on the floor listening to the beautiful tunes coming from the radio. All three of them shot their element and each picture became ruined. I saw my sister fist pump the air in excitement.

"You know what,I have a good feeling about tonight,I don't care if we are the underdogs,those pompous Wolfbats are going down." Korra said with determination.
"It's going to be our toughest match,but I think your right." Said Mako.
"Introducing your new champions,the fantastic Fire Ferrets!" Bolin said doing an impression of Shiro Shinobi.

We all laughed,but the laughing ceased as the radio became static. A familiar voice came on and gave me chills.

"Good morning citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I do hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match,because it will be your last. It's time for this City to stop glorifying bending athletes as if they were heros. I'am calling upon the council to shut down the arena and cancel the finals,otherwise there will be severe consequences."

After Amon spoke,Pabu ran onto Bolins shoulder. I stood up and looked at my sister.

"Do you really think the Council is going to shut down the arena?" Mako asked with worry.
"We're not waiting to find out,we need to get to City Hall."

All three of them got dressed into their regular clothes as fast as they could. We ran outside the arena and got onto Naga to get to City Hall as fast as we could. When we got there we got off Naga and walked towards the golden doors,Korra being ahead she pushed right through them with us three behind her. Tenzin stood up from where he was sitting.

"Korra,Nanuq,you four shouldn't be here,this is a closed meeting." The Air nomad said sternly.
"As the Avatar and a pro-bending player I have a right to be heard,you can't cancel the finals."
"I know winning this championship means alot to you and your friends,but as far as I'm concerned shutting down the arena is our best option."
"Well what about the rest of you? Tarrlok there's no way your backing down from Amon right?" My sister asked him.

He stood up from where he was sitting to address the four of us on his opinion.

"Actually Tenzin and I agree for once."
"Council is unanimous,we close the arena."

"No you can't!" Bolin exclaimed.
"But why? I thought you of all people would stand against Amon."
"Even though I'am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice,I will also not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game."

Mako stepped forward to be heard.

"Pro-bending may be a game to you,but think of what it means to this city! Right now it's one of the few places where benders and non-benders can gather together in peace,to watch eachother get beaten up." Mako said.
"In peace. It's an inspiration to everyone!" Bolin said.
"I appreciate your naive idealism,but your all ignoring the reality of the situation."
"The reality is if you shut down the arena,you let Amon win,wait Nanuq what do you have to say about all this?"

I looked at my sister,to Mako and Bolin,and to the council members. I breathed in and let out a sigh and walked towards the front. I looked to my sister and I could tell she was upset.

"What? Your siding with them?"
"I hate to be that person but I'm agreeing with Tenzin and Tarrlok."
"Why,don't you see what's at stake Nanuq?" My sister said frustrated.
"Yes I see what's at stake but don't you? Think about it,if the arena is open what if he plans to attack it,I'm not going to watch my sister and friends be put into danger,along with innocent lives."
"Well it seems that a decision has been made. This meeting in adjourned."

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