Chapter 7

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Previously on chapter 6

"IM NOT AFRAID OF ANYBODY. If the city needs my help,I'll join Tarrlok's taskforce to help stop Amon."
"There's your headline folks."

Korras POV

I was sitting in a chair twiddling my thumbs. I was so nervous I barely paid any attention to Tarrlok's plan.All of the task force deputies including myself, were in a meeting at city hall going over the plan again,after the discussion,we got outside and rode in the back of a truck. We got to the location and got out quietly. There was some opening that we looked through to see what was happening. Some Chi blockers were practicing the technique,some on one another,on a dummy,and a few of them had electric gloves,being shown how to work it. On the back wall I saw a poster of Amon. I know it was just a poster,but I felt him staring at me.I started thinking about my dream of Amon when he was about to grab my face,I gasped and was brought back into reality. The deputies were around the truck,it had a huge water tank on the top,a task force member bended water out of it for every member. We waited for the signal to have the water burst through the opening,we were given the signal. Water came through the opening and froze a few chi blockers against the wall. Earbenders brought the walls down and were were able to knock out the chi blockers. One of them threw gas cans and I froze them in the water. I went after the chi blocker through a tunnel,as I was running I tripped over a wire,a chi blocker fell from the ceiling and tried to grab me and I earthbended a rock underneath him and it hit him in the chest. Another one came with a bola,all of a sudden a stream if water hits them and freezed him to the wall,I turn around to see Tarrlok standing.

"Great timing,thanks Tarrlok."
"Your welcome. We make a good team Avatar."
"Yeah,we do." I said crossing my arms.

The police and reporters came to the scene to take pictures and ask questions about what happened tonight. It seems we captured several chi blockers tonight and I was pretty happy about it in some way,even though I was tricked into doing all of this.

Back at the air temple,Nanuqs POV

I was reading a book when I saw Korra come into my room and sit upon my bed.

"So,how did it go?"
"It went well,didn't you read the paper?"
"Yeah I did. You looked pretty happy. I know Tarrlok is with this entire thing."
"Yeah. I can't believe he tricked me into this whole thing. I've already missed practice this week and I know Bolin and Mako need me. What if you took my place?"
"Think about it. While I'm practicing for the tournament with the boys, you can join the taskforce and work with Tarrlok."
"I'm not gonna work along that man,especially since he shoved you into getting questioned by those journalists."
"He isn't going to do that with you? What's with you anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
"This is your chance to go out and actually do something with yourself,and your not jumping at the chance?"
"Korra I could go out into the city at any point. Joining his taskforce I refuse to do so."
"Well then hoe about you go and explore the city? Find some shops and look around.
"Korra I'm fine right where I am right now. Besides I still have tomorrow." I said putting my book down.

She looked at my determined to get something out of me.

"Why can't you explore the city by yourself?"
"You heard me! The entire time we have been here you haven't explored the city at all and it's almost like you don't want to at every chance."
"Because I rather explore with you that's it."
"It's because of Beifong isn't it?"
"It isn't because of Beifong I can assure you that."
"Come on! It isn't Beifong and yet here you are wanting to not explore the city by yourself why?"
"There isn't any reason and can we drop it please."
"No I want to know why can't you go alone?"
"Korra enough! Drop the subject alright."
"No I'm not,why can't you go out and enjoy yourself?"
"Because I can't alright! You want to know why I stay on the island or follow you around? It's because I made a promise to Katara that I would stay by your side to protect you and make sure your stubborn ass doesn't get into trouble,like the first day we were here! I protect you when I know you don't need it because you don't understand some things!"

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