Chapter 9

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Nanuq POV

As I sat on my bed writing in my diary of all that has happened,I heard footsteps approach the room me and Korra shared. I saw her standing in the doorway with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey. How was you and Bolin's night?"
"Oh we haven't gone on it yet." She said waving a hand.
"Wait what? Then why are you here?"
"Because I thought it would be best if you accompanied me and her tonight!"
Bolin said as he talked with his head poking in from the window.

My eyes became wide and I looked at Korra.

"What? No I possibly couldn't,you two go have fun."
"No way! I thought it was very sweet of you giving up a date for me and Korra to go on,and I figured it would be nice to give the both of you a night out on the town!"
"That is....very nice of you Bolin."
"Thank you." He said nodding his head in the window.
"So what do you say sis? You want to come with us?"

I thought about it,it did seem like a great opportunity to go out and have fun with the two instead of being cooped up in here.

"Yeah,let's go!"

Both Bolin and Korra cheered in excitement for me saying yes. I got my boots on and my new parka and followed them off the Island woth the three of us on Naga's back. As we walked around the city Bolin was giving directions to a noodle shop that was close by. Once we found it,we got off of Naga and went inside. We had to keep Naga outside since she is alot bigger than Pabu. We sat at a table that was close to a window. Bolin ordered for all three of us. Once our order went through the noodles came out fast,with steam rising from the bowl. I looked at the noodles and saw that these were traditional seaweed noodles. I grabbed the noodles with my chopsticks and brought it to my mouth. My eyes widened as the flavor of the noodles bursted inside of my mouth. I began a moderate pace of eating them.

"So how are the noodles?" He asked as I was slurping them.
"There delicious and totally authentic. I didn't realize how much I miss watertribe grub. How do you like them Nanuq?" Korra asked.

I was savoring every single bite of these noodles. The food that we ate at the Island was delicious,but it is nice to have something that reminded me of home.

"They're really good,every bite I take reminds me of home."
"Same here."
"That's cool. You both love watertribe food,I love watertribe food,we could come here after practice and just chow down."
"They are delicious." Korr said.

I stared off into my bowl until Korra tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to her.

"You okay?"
"Yeah,I'm okay. I appreciate you guys having me come with,even though it is suppose to be between you and Bolin."
"Oh don't worry Nanuq. I really don't mind,like I said. I thought it was really sweet of you to have me and Korra go on a date to help cheer her up."
"Which I appreciate as well. It is nice to come out and do something that doesn't involve training."
"Did you guys have many friends growing up in the Southern Watertribe?"

I looked down at my bowl and noticed Korra did too. Her expression seemed a little down and Bolin took notice of us.

"Oh,I'm sorry,I didn't mean to be offensive if I was."
"No no it's okay. Me and Korra you want to explain?"

Korra nodded and explained how me and her didn't have many friends on account of our abilities. Not to mention being separated from me and our parents as well. After she finished Bolin was suprised.

"I didn't realize that's what you two went through. I'm sorry you both didn't get the childhood anyone else had."
"It's okay Bolin,we appreciate you for listening and understanding."
"Im happy to do it!" He said happily.

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