chapter 1

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A/N: Since I have been rewriting some of the earlier chapters,I thought I might as well redesign and color Nanuq,I hope you enjoy it!

Small intro

After arguing with The White Lotus centries about what you would do next,they stuck with it,subrisingly. Nanuq had mastered firebending and of course would still train in both,learning new techniques and observing from afar. She still trained in bloodbending,and was abel to do it without a full moon. It has been twelve years,and she is now sixteen years old.

Nanuq POV

I was in the kitchen finishing the rest of my breakfast before going to the compound. I put my bowl and chopsticks in the sink and began washing them both. As I was washing them,I felt a pair of arms around my waist. The arms let go and I turned around to see my mother. We looked into each others eyes. She gave a smile and raised her hand towards my face and rested it on my right cheek and caressed it. I put my hand on hers,I smiled back at her.

"My little Nanuq,look at you,all grown now."
"Mother,I'm still considered a child to some."
"Maybe to the centries but not me. I see a strong,beautiful young woman right in front of me. You'll always be my little girl,no matter how old you get."
"I know,I'm sixteen years old now."
"Yes you are. It was just like yesterday I was holding you in my arms just a few hours after you were born. You were so small and fragile,I never wanted to let you go. Now here you are standing in front of me,all grown. Where did all the years go?"
"I do not know,all I know is that time has passed within a flash."

We both paused from saying anything.

"Well,you better get to the compound to see Korra take her assessments. Are you excited?"
"I'am excited to see her,especially since she mastered three elements"
"I know,I'm so happy for her,all she has left is to master airbending,and then she will be done with all her training!" My Mother said proudly.

I leaned against the kitchen counter with my arms crossed on my chest,I was excited to see her but at the same time I felt as if I shouldn't be there,like something was keeping me from going. I looked to see my Mom had an expression of worry on her.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"
"I don't know,I just have a feeling if I go something will happen when I get there."
"You think they'll make you fight Korra?"
"I have that feeling,I mastered fire so it wouldn't suprise me that if the Centries went behind our backs to have me be one of the opponents to fight Korra."
"If they do then it isn't fair,that is information we need to know."
"Well,whatever happens it will happen. I better get going."
"Alright,I love you sweetheart!"
"I love you too!"

I hugged my mom before I left. I got my coat on and ran outside and got onto an arctic yak. I rode to the compound and rode into the stables to tie it up. I got inside and saw was finished showing the master that trained me,and the Centries all that she was taught. I always made sure to come and visit as much as I could along with my parents after I finished my firebending assessments. It seemed as we got older together,the more we became closer with one another. The Centires tried keeping us apart because of there "rules" my parents knew we needed eachother as we got older,and my Father made sure they understood that. So,we came to visit as much as we can. I got lost in my thoughts,I didn't realize Korra finished the first part of her assessment. I waved to her and she noticed and came running to me. Before I realized she lifted me up in thr hair,giving me a hug.

"Oh I'm so glad your here!"
"Me too! Can you put me down please." I said muffled,my mouth was in her shoulder.
"Oh sorry,I guess I don't know my own strength."
"It's okay,it didn't hurt at all."
"Well that's good. Are Mom and Dad coming to see?"
"No,the Sentries told them they couldn't for some reason."
"Well,that's lame,as long as your here that's all that matters."

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