Chapter 2

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Nanuq POV

"Officer this is a big misunderstanding." I said trying to defuse the tension.
"What exactly am I misunderstanding?"
The officer asked in a annoyed tone.

Me and Korra were being interrogated by the officer named Saikhan about the damages to the shops around us. I looked around and noticed the other metalbending officers asking witnesses questions about what happened,and the triple threats getting put into handcuffs and being walked into the back of a police truck that arrived.

"You don't understand,me and my sister were trying to catch these guys and stop them. They were about to harm an innocent shopkeeper and smash up his shop!"
"From the looks of it you two seemed to have done quite a bit of smashing as well trying to stop these guys."

After he finished his sentence,he got into a fighting position and shot a metal wire at Korra. She quickly noticed it and grabbed the wire and kept a hold of it.

"Wait y-you can't arrest us let me explain!"
"You can explain yourselves all you like,down at headquarters."

Third person

Saikhan brings back his wires and charges at korra and Nanuq,both dodge him before he smashed his wires against the ground. Naga comes to their aid and pushes Saikhan to the ground,and three metalbender cops see this and charge after the two. Both Nanuq and Korra mount Naga and before taking off,one cop came rushing after them and Korra kicked him in the face before rushing off,and one stays to see if they are okay. As Naga runs the last cop pursues after them,crossing over a small bridge the cop shoots one of his wires grabbing at the back of Korras ponytail,the tension of the wire pulling caused her to grunt from thr pain and bends water up and form it into and ice wall,and the cop crashing into it and causing the metal wire to let go of the hair. As they got away Nanuq pointed to a subway and they jumped on top of it,but with doing that they look up and see an airship above them,shooting down metal wires wrapping up Naga and lifting her into the sky. Both Nanuq and Korra also become wrapped in wires grunting as they can't escape the grip of them.

Republic City Police station

"Let's see,multiple counts of damage to private and city property,not to mention evading arrest and harming my men,oh you are in a mess of trouble ladies." The grey hair woman said,slamming the report onto the metal table.

Both me and Korra were arrested,and handcuffed to a metal table inside a confession room,all entirely metal. We were being interrogated by a woman with short grey hair and green eyes. She was pale and wearing metal armor alsmot identical to the rest of the cops but black. Her facial expression was dissappointed and annoyed having to deal with two teenage girls.

"But those triple threat thugs were smashing up a shop an-
"Can it! One of you two should have called the police and stayed out of the way for my cops to handle the mess." She said aggressively while walking to the otherside of the table.
"How could we have called you if there weren't any phones around?" I asked in a smart-ass tone.

She looked me dead in the eyes and smashed her hands on the table and got close,her green eyes piercing into my blue ones.

"I don't deal with wise guys,so shut your mouth!"

I kept my mouth shut until Korra spoke up.

"Look Ma'am,I couldn't just sit there and do nothing,it's my duty to help people,you see I'm the Avatar."

The woman looked at Korra not impressed with what she said.

"Oh,I'm well aware of who you are,and your Avatar title may impress some people,but not me." She said crossing her arms across her chest.

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