chapter 14

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When I walked in the door Kye was sitting on the stairs playing on his phone. "Who were you talking to?" He asked me puzzled. I shrug and say "Just a friend."

I walk into the kitchen and set my stuff down on the table. I decided to sit down at the table and check my instagram while sipping my drink. Soon an hour passes by and I've ended up on youtube watching cat videos.

Chance walks in on me laughing and walks over to see what I'm watching. "Awe look at it Chance, look. at. it!" He looks at me like I've grown two heads or something and chuckles. I slouch in my chair and he pokes me! pokes me dang it! I grab his hand telling him to stop but instead he pokes me with his other hand. "Chance stop." I groan becoming annoyed. "Fine but tell me I'm the best brother ever, and the coolest person you know." I lowly cough trying not to laugh "Now Chance I've been taught not to lie, so I can't say that bro sowwy." I say smirking and patting his shoulder. He huffs and walks away obviously annoyed.

I decide to go work out seeing as I'm not doing anything productive. I ran up to my room and stripped from my clothes into some workout clothes. I grabbed my iPod for some music and my headphones. I walked back downstairs and grabbed a water.

I went down into the basement, stretched,and got to it. I had been working out for about twenty minuets when I got a notification telling me to cool down. I sighed and turned off the notification on my phone. Instead I kept going and pushing myself harder than before. I closed my eyes beginning to become weak after an hour.

I kept my thoughts on my dad and what was going on. Soon I felt myself starting to go faster. This burst of energy was fueling me to keep going. My thoughts began to run free I was picturing the accident. It was hard to stop the images and stress of what was going to happen to me. Soon I felt my legs give out from under me and I fell with a loud thud.

I stood back up by holding the side of the treadmill. I grabbed my water and began to drink it. I heard someone open the door to the basement. My panic evident on my flushed face. "Madelyn are you okay? Who the hell let you down here alone!?"  Kye spoke furiously.

I shrank into myself and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm fine I swear I just fell, and n-no one knew I was down here." I quietly mumbled. He lifted my chin and looked at me sternly "You know your not to be down here by yourself. What are we going to do with you?" he says shaking his head.

I nodded ever so slightly and walk away from him. I figured he would tell Ty and I wouldn't be allowed to workout for a while. I walked up all the way to my room from the basement silently praying Kye wouldn't follow. They had a reason they were so protective, but it still got annoying. 

"Madelyn! Please get down here we need to talk and I have your phone." Kye yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I debated wether, or not to react and go now, or let him yell some more. I choose the first option and began down the stairs. He pulled me into a tight hug noticing tears coming from my eyes.

I didn't really understand why I was crying but I couldn't stop. I began gripping him like my life depended on it. My breathing became rapid and I felt paralyzed. I tried catching my breath and I couldn't. "maddy its okay, your okay, breathe deep breaths do you want me to get Chance?" I had this happen before, after the indecent multiple times my dad and chance always handled it best. I couldn't speak, but he took that as a yes and yelled for chance. 

"Chance! Chance! Chance for god sakes come here!" Chance came running out of the living room in sweatpants and a green day shirt. He took in my appearance and breathing. "Madelyn breathe, count ok? do it with me deep breathes 1,2,3,4,1,2,3-" My breathing began to become normal and all that was left was the shallow tears falling from my eyes.

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