Chapter 12

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like the picture well that's Justin. like the song well it's called yellow shirt if you didn't know it's by The Icarus Account check them out if you enjoyed this song.
Its been two days since I overheard my brothers talking about custody,two days since my dads accident, and two days since I've spoken. After I had overheard my brothers talking about custody terms I went mute. I hadn't thought of the fact that I might be shipped off to aunt Sheryl, when dad died that was the furthest thing from my mind. I couldn't handle it if I was taken from my brothers along with my dad. I mentally was not prepared for today or any other day after that. Today was the day we were holding calling hours and reading the will. I wasn't mentally stable last time I saw my fathers dead body and I sure as hell wasn't now. If anything I had gotten worse I don't think that I can do this.
My phone buzzed showing a text message which zapped me out of my thoughts.
Sammy: hey. how are you? I haven't talked to you in forever.
Madelyn: um I'm ok I guess. I miss you a lot. I have a lot going on right now. how about you?
Sammy: aww madds what's going on? are you ok? want me to call you?
Madelyn: NO please don't call me Sam I haven't spoken to anyone in two days!!
He didn't need to know what happened I didn't want to worry him. My phone died so I put it on the charger while I got dressed. I pulled out a black dress with lace detail. I pulled out my black lace pumps from the back of my closet. I had only worn these two things once and it was for my great grandfathers funeral. I didn't think I would have to drag these out for a while but I of course was wrong. I slipped into the dress easily it was beautiful but I hated what I was wearing it for.
I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand letting me know it had turned on. I walked over to it when it started having what looked like a seizure, but was all my calls and text messages. I had 14 missed calls and 19 unread texts. Almost all from Sam except one text which was from Matt. I took a deep breath of desperation and decided to text Matt first.
Matt: love you so much, why won't you talk to us?
Madelyn: because I don't want to leave me alone Matt!!
Iknow I seem like I'm being harsh but they act like I'm a little kid. I'm mad at them for not including me in the custody conversation. I understand I'm the youngest but they included chance and he is only a year older than me.
I ignored the rest of the messages. I decided that since Sam wouldn't stop calling me I would answer and try to talk.
"Answers now Maddy or I'm texting Justin getting your address and coming down there" Sammy said fiercely. Him and Justin were good friends so I knew that he could get it out of him so I cleared my throat. "Sammy calm down I'm ok. It's just calling hours are today and the reading of the will. I honestly just need a hug." He stays silent while I talk. "Madds who's calling hours? What's going on? I can be on the next flight down if I have to." "No don't I don't mean to worry you its my dad." I say and my voice cracks at the end. The line went silent all that you could hear was breathing. "Maddy what's the address? I'm coming down there." "No Sam it's fine don't worry about me I can do this you have school and work." "Address now!!" He yelled into the phone. I didn't know what to do so I hung up on him. He sometimes acts like he's another one of my brothers and it gets annoying.
I stepped into my heels almost falling over in the process. I buckled the strap to my ankle. I plugged my curling wand into the outlet. I waited till it got hot enough to curl my hair then sprayed my hair with heat protectant. I brushed my hair to a smooth texture. Once my hair was smooth I grabbed a section at a time and curled it tightly. Soon I had curls cascading down my back. I looked in the mirror while misting my hair with a can of hairspray. After my hair was done I started doing my makeup. I put on red lipstick, gold eye shadow, and black winged eyeliner. (To see the full outfit go to polyvore and find styler9100)
I slowly grabbed my phone off the charger and realize what time it is. I have 3 voice mails and 5 missed calls. Two were from sam the rest were from my brothers telling me we need to leave soon so I need to come eat before we leave.
I slowly made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to get my lunch. Kye set a plate in front of me then sat next to me with his plate. He tried to make conversation with me but I didn't speak back. He simply sighed "Madelyn I know you heard us talking about custody." I looked at him puzzled as to how he found out. He ignored my look instead he told me to hurry up and eat.
I devoured my food like I was starving even though I ate two hours ago. I grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink to be washed later. I grabbed a diet coke out of the fridge because I was parched.
"Madelyn five minutes" yelled Justin. I walked upstairs to grab my purse. I made sure I had everything and took one last look in the mirror. What I saw didn't look like me my eyes showed how unhappy I was and my smile was fake.
I checked the time and realized that it was time to go. I quickly walked back downstairs. My brothers were waiting for me they were all dressed in black tuxedos it was weird. My brothers don't dress up so it's weird to see this. Justin was the first to speak "Maddy you look good. I got a call from Sam today he is going to be here tomorrow for the funeral, he said you wouldn't give him the address, because you didn't want him to worry." I shook my head yes to say I refused to give him the address because I didn't want to worry him. "Maddy please just talk to us I'm done, because you can talk to Sam and not us well we're your family he's not if you talk to someone it should be us not him." "I'm mad at you that's why I'm not talking to you jerks. It's Time to go which cars are we taking?"
They all got quite for a few minutes then said we are taking the Dart and the Cadillac. I stomped out to the Cadillac and got in the backseat. My brothers trudged slowly behind me. My face was probably bright red from how mad I am. I can't believe they are that stupid sometimes. I sometimes think I'm the oldest I mean god dang.                                                                                                                   We reached the funeral home rather fast seeing as it was awkwardly silent. we parked on the far end of the parking lot so we had to walk a slight distance. I was mentally a huge mess but I wouldnt let it show. I had done enough showing my emotions. I need to be strong for myself and my brothers. I hate worrying them they don't need it.  

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