Chapter 13

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Hey hey hey meet Alex the hottie. Hey hey hey that song is called Patient Love and it's by Passenger check them out if you liked it! Much love <3
We checked in at the front desk in the lobby of the funeral home. Once we were told what room our father was in we walked into it. I walked to his coffin while my brothers arranged the room how they wanted it. I saw my fathers cold dead body in the coffin and it made me feel completely void of all emotion.
We all stood around the room waiting for the rest of our family to arrive. I watched each person look at my father, they all scowled when they saw him. I detested how they were acting like they were there for him when nobody was. I wondered why they were scowling when they saw him. I figured that they were thinking he doesn't deserve this just like me but who knows.
I stood there greeting each one of my family members. My brothers would sometimes speak to them, but we mostly stood silently, and shook hands with everyone. Soon the person I least liked came up to me.
"Madelyn darling, how are you? You're such a young beautiful girl. I don't think your brothers have told you but I will be staying with you darlings for a while to help out." Aunt Sheryl spoke in her stupid posh accent. "No Auntie they did not that's wonderful news." I smiled a huge fake smile.
She walked off after speaking with my brothers and I. I scowled hard at the back of her head while she was walking. I uttered some derogatory words under my breath when she was out of hearing range. My brother Justin looks at me sternly and mouths I heard that. I smile innocently to him and shrug.
We took a break from greeting people to take a moment of silence for my father. Calling hours would soon be over, and we will leave till morning when we go to the burial site. This moment of silence signaled that my fathers soul was at peace.
Once the silence was over it was time for us to leave. Aunt Sheryl followed us from the funeral home to the house. I still couldn't stand the idea of her staying with us. She promptly got out of her car once we got to the house.
"Madelyn darling could you come fetch my bags?" I reach her car she pulls out three suit cases and a carry on bag. I grab some of it and ask Matt to get the rest of it. Apparently she doesn't hear me ask Matt to get the rest. "Darling you forgot the rest!" I roll my eyes and keep walking pretending I didn't hearS her. I make my way to the guest room with her stuff throw it down and walk away.
I go into the kitchen and grab a drink of water. Ty walks in and gives me a hug I don't understand why though. "I know you heard us Kye told me." I sigh that stupid blabber mouth. I get out of Ty's grip to go find chance might as well tell him too.
I find Chance sitting on the couch in the living room. I tap his shoulder and signal for him to follow me. We walk outside to the garden.
"Chance the reason I wasn't talking to you guys was because I overheard you talking about custody." His face contorted into a pissed look. "Are you kidding me right now that's why you wouldn't talk to us for two full days?" He screamed in my face. I now realize how dumb I sounded to get so mad. I jumped slightly when he yelled. "I'm sorry geez no need to yell." He walked off loudly after I said that.
I chose to let him be for now. Since he and I were so close I could understand his anger. The fact that I refused to talk to him probably upsets him deeply.
I decide to walk down to the coffee shop that's about a block away from my house. I make sure I have my phone, and I text Ty telling him where I'm going. He tells me to get home soon and be safe. I walk to the cafe while playing ouch couch. While I'm walking I trip, and my phone flys out of my hand into the yard next to me.
I stand up and look around, to see if anyone had seen me fall like an idiot. I of course wasn't that lucky across the street a guy was laughing at me. I grab my phone out of the yard it fell in and made sure the screen hadn't cracked. My phone luckily hadn't been cracked in my mind I was doing a huge happy dance.
I walked away as fast as I could after picking up my phone. The rest of my short walk I spent talking to myself. I sound weird talking to myself but it keeps me sane.
I reach the coffee shop the outside walls are covered in graffiti, but the inside is warm and inviting. There is four small booths lining the right wall. On the other side of the small coffee shop are tall tables and a large window. On the far wall is a small counter where they take orders. I walk to the counter but realize that no one is in here. I ring the small bell and out walks a short red head who looks to be about twenty.
"I'm sorry your sign said you were open" I spoke politely. "Oh sweetie we are its just, not many people come in here, since they put that fancy Starbucks in a couple blocks away from here. Sorry for keeping you waiting what can I get you?" I looked at her puzzled then realize that I'm not speaking. "Oh I'll just have a small chai tea iced please and a sugar cookie." "That will be 5 dollars even. You will love are sugar cookies it's my grandmas recipe." She looked very enthused when she spoke of her grandma.
"Thanks I'm Madelyn but you can call me Maddy what's your name?" I ask her. "Wow you're a friendly little thing aren't you my names Layla. How did you end up here this place looks so run down from the outside? Not that I'm complaining just wondering." "Oh I actually live up the road and I saw this place. I actually love the graffiti it gives this place character." She nods and hands me my order. "Nice hope to see you again Maddy come back anytime." I grab my order and say goodbye.
I walk out the door and start my way back home. I sip my drink while walking home. I keep walking oblivious to my surroundings. I bump into something really hard and fall. What is with me and falling today gosh. "Are you ok?" I look up because that voice is familiar. "Alex is that you? sorry this is like the second time I have bumped into you and fell." He looks at me and laughs really hard.
I scowl at him which makes my face turn red. He grabs my hand and pulls me off the ground. "Where are you headed?" He asks me politely. "Um I live up the road I'm on my way home." I say while pointing in front of me. His mouth makes an oh shape "Do you want me to walk with you, since you're running into things and such?" He says while trying not to laugh.
"Whatever I have to get back soon or my brothers will kill me." I started walking with him close on my tail. "So ah your brothers hmm I feel like the one doesn't like me I don't know why though." I smirked after he had said that. "Well apparently that's a yes what did I do?" "You made me blush and you talked to me." "Oh I made you blush haha you act like you don't talk to people or something."
"I do not!" I yell and smack his arm. "Yes you do." He adds. I realize that we have reached my house and we're about pass it. "You almost made me miss my house it's all your stupid fault." I say sticking my tongue out and running to the door.
"Thanks for the good bye." He yells from the side walk. "You're welcome!" I yell out halfway through the door.
Ok so I was going to write more but I didn't want to go for to long and I feel like because of my last a/n I owe this to you guys sorry if there is any mess ups I will be editing periodically so bare with me

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