Chapter 2

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We finished unpacking and these weird neighbors stopped by and introduced them selves. I mean who introduces them selves that's just plain weird. "Madelyn come here and help with the pizza boxes please" yelled up Josh. "coming dork" haha oh I love annoying them. "I am not a dork" "sure you aren't just keep telling your self that." I ran down the stairs and Matt was standing in front of them so I jumped and he fell oops well I wasn't expecting that. "Madelyn we have told you multiple times not to do that now why the hell do you keep doing it." I just shrugged my shoulders. "I'm sowwy Matt" I said faking a baby voice shhh this usually works."Its ok you just need to be more careful." "ok well where is the pizza boxes so we can go for a walk around town." "the kitchen go throw them away then we can go". I ran to the kitchen and bumped Ty lets just say he wasn't happy. " what the hell Madelyn May?" (That's a rhetorical question) "SO-RRY who peed in your Cheerios this morning." I yelled and picked up the pizza boxes and threw them away. After I finished I said I'm gonna change and we can leave cause I was in my pajamas still.i went to my room and changed in to a Hollister shirt and shorts. If you can't tell I love Hollister I went down stairs and everyone was In the kitchen so I went in and asked if they are ready their backs were to me. when kye turned the first thing out of his mouth was change those shorts they are to short after he said this everyone turned and said the same thing oh my god they aren't that short, but I'm not gonna argue today cause they might take my phone like last time.It really pisses me off when they do this.after changing we left the house. I was getting tired of walking so I asked if kye could carry me:) He carried me the whole way home and I think I fell asleep cause all I remember is a unicorn falling out of a tree heehee.

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