Chapter 7 || Photography

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Killua introduced me to all of his friends then the teacher came out of her office to announce the new assignment, "Attention students and random biology course kid, your next assignment is to have your dorm mate model in one of your pictures, if you don't have one get a friend or a random person I don't care, you just have to get a model," She said, "You are released,"

We then went to go grocery shopping off-campus, "Can I at least drop off my camera," Killua complained

"Nope! Who knows, there might be a good spot to take photos," I teased

He looked at me, a hint of interest in his eyes, and sighed, "Mmm, fine, well what do we need from the store?"

"Literally everything," I said as we strolled along, Killua took out a piece of paper and started making a list.

Shopping List...








-toaster waffles

-snacky foods

"Nuggies? Really?" I giggled looking over his shoulder, I saw a little blush creep onto his face, "Don't make fun of me,"


I rustled his hair a bit, "Haha, don't worry, I wasn't makin' fun of you," oh my god his hair is really soft.

We reached the store, "Umm, ok, l-lets split up, that way we can get back to campus faster,"

"Ok, sounds good," I said, he handed me a list with half of the items, "You go to the right I'll go to the left," He said, "We meet back here in 10,"

I nodded then we split up.

------time skip bc I'm lazy :p------

We were walking back to campus than all of a sudden Killua gasped, "After we drop off the food I have a perfect idea," He said excitedly

We rushed back to the building and put everything away in the cupboards. Killua took me by the arm and pulled me into his room, he pushed me onto the beanbag chair and flung open his closet.

My white-haired roommate muttered to himself and flipped through the clothing that was hanging up, "Whatcha doing there buddy," I asked walking over to him

Killua answered me by shoving a few pieces of clothing into my arms, "Put those on," he said without even looking at me, "Umm, ok," I responded exiting the room to change into the outfit he had given me.

The outfit consisted of a skin-tight dark green turtle-neck, a long black belt, and black cargo pants. I put it on then re-entered the room. Killua looked me up and down for a second before slipping something over my head and attaching something to the belt loops on my pants.

I looked down and saw, chains?

"Killua, what's with the chains?" I asked

He muttered something and then responded, "It's an accessory now go look in the mirror and tell me what you think,"

I walked into the bathroom and was amazed when I saw my reflection, I look surprisingly good in this fit, as I was admiring myself in the mirror Killua walked up behind me and rested his elbow on my shoulder, "So, do you like it or not,"

"I love it, this is the best outfit ever," I said giving him a hug, which I could tell surprised him

"Ok, perfect put on your shoes, and let's go," He said patting my shoulder as he left, "I'll meet you on the bottom floor,"

I nodded and stood there for a few more seconds before finding a pair of shoes that suited this outfit, a pair of dark green converse,

I raced down the stairs to and saw Killua talking with Kurapika, he saw me and pointed then said something that I couldn't quite hear. Killua turned around then waved signaling for me to come over, "You ready?" He asked

"Mhm!" I hummed excitedly, Killua laughed then waved goodbye to Kurapika, "Y'know, you never told me where we were going," I said

"You see when we get there," He said slowly picking up pace

I shrugged and followed him, we walked for another minute or so then he stopped and said, "We're here,"

We had arrived at a small garden, overlooked by a gigantic oak tree, I gasped, "Wow, this place is really cool!"

"I know right," He said, "Ok, now I need you to sit over there," he pointed to the bottom of the large tree

"Will do!"

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