Chapter 16 || Tired

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Killua POV

It felt like my heart stopped, "What?"

"I-I'm sorry that was really out of the ordinary, just forget I said that," Gon said covering his red face with his hands



"I was responding to your question," I said, "Yes, I will be your boyfriend,"

"Oh thank god," He laughed, "That was so nerve-racking,"

He reached his hand back down and placed it on my head again, "You know, your hair is really soft and pretty,"

My face went red, "Th-thank you Gon," I said burying my face into his chest

------timeskip :)------

It's Monday, it's Monday and I have to go to class, it's Monday and I have to get up for class at six just so I can beat Neon and be there by seven.

I jumped out of my bed and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. When I got into the kitchen Gon was already there sitting at the island with a cup of coffee and his homework, "Good morning," I said sliding my arms around his shoulders

"I am so tired," He said yawning, "Professor Kite had a class at three goddamn in the morning because he wanted us to monitor the behavioral tendencies of the nocturnal animals in the big park in the middle of the city,"

He yawned again and I poured some coffee into a travel mug, "Well, I have to make sure I get to class before Neon," I said, "Try to get some sleep mkay?"

"I'll try," He laughed tiredly, "Have fun at class,"

"Will do, see you in a couple hours," and with that, I left

When I exited the building I sprinted, as tired as I was, I sprinted to the art building, "Aww hell yeah, I'm here first,"

"You sure are," Ms. Bisky said as I stumbled into the room

I made my way up to my normal seat and sat down like always, "You seem happier than usual,"

"Do I?"

"Well yeah, usually when I have classes this early you always walk in like a half-awake zombie, now you look like a puppy that just got adopted. It's kinda freaking me out," She laughed

Neon then ran in, "DAMMIT," She yelled, "I was really hoping I would beat you,"

She walked up and took her seat in front of me, "You're happier than normal. It's weird I don't like it get that happy aura away from you," She said looking at me, "Wait, I think know why you're happy,"

Neon giggled and squealed just like a teenage girl would, "He asked you didn't he, to be his boyfriend," She asked leaning against my table

I nodded blushing and she giggled again, "Hey hey, what's this about?" Ponzu asked approaching the table Pokkle following closely behind

"Gon asked him," Neon said probably happier than I was

"That's great, congrats dude," Pokkle said patting my shoulder

"Yeah ok all this chit-chat is great at seven in the morning but we need to get started," Ms. Bisky yelled, "I actually have something planned for today. So get out your computers and let's get going,"

"Wow, Bisky actually being a teacher, what a surprise," Ponzu joked taking out her computer

She talked for about 45 minutes then let us start the work she assigned. When class was finally over I nearly fell asleep, "Hey, sleeping beauty, time to wake up," Neon said poking me

"Not asleep, just resting my eyes," I said closing my computer

"That's what my dad says, now come on," She said

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming,"

Neon and I walked together until we got to her floor in the dorm building, "Whelp, this is my stop, I'll see you later k?"

"Yeah, see you later," I said and continued walking

Once I reached my dorm I opened the door and Gon was passed out on the couch, "You couldn't even make it to bed couldn't you?" I asked myself as I sat next to his sleeping body

"Apparently not," Gon said sitting up rubbing his eyes

"No, no, you need to go back to sleep," I said

"But I'm not tired anymore," He said

"Fine," I said standing up, "I'm gonna make some food, you want any,"

"Hell yeah I do, I haven't eaten since yesterday," He laughed

"You really need to start taking more care of yourself," I said cupping his cheek in my hand tapping it a couple of times

I walked over to the kitchen and took stuff out of the cupboard and fridge, "Whatcha makin'" Gon asked sliding next to me

"Eggs and french toast,"

"Ooooohhhhh I love eggs," He said licking his lips

I laughed and took out a pan, setting it on the stove as I turned it on. Gon continued to question me about the food as I cooked, "You ready to eat," I asked

"I've been ready for 10 hours," He joked as I handed him the plate

He practically shoved the food down his throat as he ate and I had to keep telling him to slow down. If I hadn't I have no doubts he would've choked. After we finished Gon washed the plates while I went into my room and took out a book, Here In The Real World by Penny Packer (A/N: that's actually a really good book, y'all need to read it) and climbed up to my bed to read it.

"Killuaaaaaaa," Gon whined walking into my room, "I'm tired,"

"Well I told you to get some more sleep," I said, "And yet you didn't listen,"

Without another word, Gon climbed up to my bed and laid on me his head resting on my lap. He yawned and after a few minutes, he was out. I just sat there reading my book until my phone binged with a text from Neon.

Blue bitch:
im comin ovr


Do you need me to open the door

Blue bitch:
nah i got a key from pika


Why exactly are u coming over

Blue bitch:
I dnt hve any food in my room so im stealing sum of urs


Mk well take whatever u want u can stay for a bit tooJust be quiet bc Gon is sleeping

End convo

With that, the front door opened and closed, the fridge and the cupboards opened then there was some rummaging and footsteps coming down the hall. Neon opened my door with a slice of white bread in her mouth, "Hey Killuuooooooohhhhhhhh, what is happening here," She asked with a sly grin

"I told you he was sleeping, I just neglected to mention that it was on me," 

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