Chapter 12 || Talking

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Neon dragged Killua into the kitchen area leaving me, Ponzu, and Pokkle to do our homework alone.

As soon as the two left the room Pokkle slammed his homework on the ground, "So, Killua huh?"

I turned and looked at him confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean? What do you mean, what do you mean. You've been like attached to him for the past three weeks," He said, "Hell last week Killua walked into class with you on his back,"

A small blush spread across my cheeks, "Well I-,"

Ponzu gasped, "You like Killua," She said, "Who woulda thought the hotty from the biology course was gay,"

"When are you gonna tell him," Pokkle asked slowly getting closer to me

"I'm not,"


"I'm not going to tell him because what if he hates me," I said, "I don't want him to hate me,"

"I promise he won't hate you," Pokkle said

I tilted my head in confusion

"What's that look for," He asked

"I don't know what you mean by that," I said

"Oh, well," Pokkle looked around, "Killua definitely has a crush on you,"

"Y'know my friend Leorio mentioned that when we hung out a few weeks ago," I said

"I know him, isn't he hosting that party on Friday," He asked

I nodded, "But that's beside the point, how do you know if Killua likes me or not," I asked

"How do you NOT know he likes you," Ponzu said, "It's completely obvious he does,"

"Have you seen the way he blushes when you get close to him?"

"Well, sorta, but I just thought that was a normal reaction from him," I said, "He is really pale,"

"Yeah, that is true," Both agreed

I stood up, and started walking out, "I need to get something from my room, I'll be right back,"

When I entered my room I flopped down onto my bed and groaned into the sheets, "Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, why meeeeeeeee,"

"Why do I hafta fall for the hot white-haired kid out of all people," I muttered to myself, "Why does he hafta be so hard to read, I'm usually good at these types of things,"

Killua POV

Neon dragged me into the kitchen area and took out a glass, proceeding to fill it partially with water. She stuck her fingers into the glass letting them get wet for a moment, then pulled them out and flicked the water onto me.

"Neon, what the hell was that for,"

"Your face is really red," She pointed out, "You need to cool down,"

"Anyways, why did you pull me into the kitchen," I asked sitting on the counter

"It's totally obvious you like Gon,"

"W-what? Who told you that," I asked getting flustered

"Your face says it all,"

I felt my face and I was in fact burning up. Neon splashed me with water again and as she did that I heard a door shut and what sounded like Ponzu and Pokkle giggling.

"You know one thing," Neon said walking closer to me, "I think Gon likes you too,"

"Yeah," I paused for a second to think about it, "there's no way,"

"Ok, now you're just being oblivious," She said

"Exhibit A," She started talking like a textbook, "He is so clingy, like so unbelievably clingy,"

"And?" I asked

"AND! And, don't forget about that one holding hands incident," She said

"Wait, who told you about that, because I certainly didn't"


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